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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Jenis pernapasaan - 2

Jenis pernapasaan :

1 ) Pernapasaan natural .

Pernapasaan jenis ini adalah yang paling mudah .
Jika kita sedang dalam keadaan santai / releks cobalah untuk bernapas dengan tenang ,
jangan perhatikan cara kita bernapas / gerakan-gerakan otot dada dan abdomen .
Tapi rasakan saja napas itu mengalir.
anda akan mudah mencapai tahap santai .
Jika anda sudah dapat bernapas , tanpa ketegangan dan dengan rileks berarti anda telah maju satu langkah dalam ilmu bernapas / cara bernapas menjadi lebih baik .

bersambung - 3

The respiratory kind:

1) natural breathing.

This kind breathing was that most found it easy.
If we were in the relaxed situation/relaxed tried to breathe with calm,
don't pay attention to our method of breathing/the movements of the chest muscle and the abdomen.
But felt the breath flowed.
You will find it easy to achieve the relaxed stage.
If you could have breathed,
without the tension and by relaxing meant you advanced one step in breathing knowledge/the breathing method became better.

Was continued - 3

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