History: Jow Gar is defined by its powerful hands and speed of technique combined with kicking and fast footwork. It was founded by Jow Lung (1890-1919), who combined the fighting styles and techniques of Hung Gar, Choy Gar and Northern Shaolin. Jow and his four brothers learned Hung Gar from an uncle named Jow Hung, and Choy Gar from Choy Kau of Siu Hing county. Jow also learned the Shaolin system when he stayed at a monastery for three years after fleeing when he killed a gangster in a fight.
The priest who was his teacher told Jow Lung to combine the three styles he had learned and he would create a new style of kungfu. In 1915 General Lee Fook Lam of Canton issued an invitation for chief trainer of the army. Jow Lung defeated all his opponents and was appointed to the position. He sent for his brothers Jow Hip, Jow Biu, Jow Hoy and Jow Tin to assist with the training and help perfect his new kungfu system.
They decided to call it Jow Gar kungfu, and the brothers subsequently became known as the "Five Tigers of Jow Gar." When Jow Lung died of pneumonia in 1919, his brother Jow Biu took over organising and promoting the Jow Gar system. Soon there were dozens of schools throughout China, and in 1936 a branch opened in Hong Kong, producing several notable masters, among them Chen Man Cheung.
Imam yang guru diberitahu Jow Paru untuk menggabungkan ketiga gaya yang telah dipelajarinya dan dia akan menciptakan gaya baru kungfu. Pada tahun 1915 Jenderal Lee Fook Lam of Canton mengeluarkan undangan untuk pelatih kepala tentara. Jow Lung mengalahkan semua lawan-lawannya dan jabatan tersebut. Dia dikirim untuk saudara-saudaranya Jow Hip, Jow Biu, Jow Jow Hoy dan Timah untuk membantu dengan pelatihan dan bantuan sistem sempurna kungfu baru.
Mereka memutuskan untuk menyebutnya Jow Gar kungfu, dan saudara-saudara kemudian menjadi dikenal sebagai "Lima Macan Jow Gar." Ketika Jow Paru meninggal karena pneumonia pada tahun 1919, saudaranya Jow Biu mengambil alih mengatur dan mempromosikan sistem Jow Gar. Segera ada puluhan sekolah di seluruh Cina, dan pada tahun 1936 membuka cabang di Hong Kong, menghasilkan beberapa master terkenal, di antaranya Chen Man Cheung.
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