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Sunday, November 7, 2010

72 art Shaolin Tample

72 art Shaolin Tample

Tujuh puluh dua seni kuil Shaolin merupakan kumpalan seni bela diri yang ada di kuil Shaolin yang sangat hebat dan di rahasiakan . Banyak seni yang dikenal oleh masyarakat tetapi ada juga yang di larang untuk dilatih oleh para tetua kuil Shaolin . Banyak jurus-jurus dari kuil Shaolin yang mengambil dari tujuh puluh dua seni kuil Shaolin . Tidak semua biksu diajari tujuh puluh dua seni kuil Shaolin . perlu waktu bertahun-tahun menjadi penghuni kuil Shaolin baru bisa belajar tujuh puluh dua seni kuil Shaolin . Itupun harus mempunyai pengendalian diri yang baik sebab tujuh puluh dua seni kuil Shaolin adalah seni yang dilatih dan digunakan sebagai ilmu bertahan hidup / hidup matinya seseorang . Padahal dalam kung fu Shaolin hal ini hanya sebagai tahap awal tahap berikutnya adalah mencari pencerahan diri .

 Jika engkau ingin mendalami Kung Fu , engkau harus melatih Qi Qing .
Jika engkau ingin melatih Qi Qing , engkau harus berlatih medetasi .
Jika engkau ingin berlatih medetasi , engkau harus mengendalikan diri .
Jika engkau ingin mengendalikan diri , engkau harus menghilangkan keakuan / ego .
Jika engkau ingin menghilangkan keakuan / ego , engkau harus menjernihkan pikiran .
Jika engkau ingin menjernihkan pikiran , engkau harus berhenti bermimpi .
Jika engkau ingin berhenti bermimpi , engkau harus tidak fanatik .
Jika engkau ingin tidak fanatik , engkau harus berhenti membandingkan .
Jika engkau ingin berhenti membandingkan , engkau harus menerima kenyataan .
Jika engkau ingin menerima kenyataan , engkau harus melatih indramu .
Jika engkau ingin melatih indramu , engkau harus belajar kung fu " .
Ini yang disebut mengikuti ajaran Budha atau ajaran Tao .

Seventy-two Shaolin temple arts was kumpalan available self-defence art in the Shaolin temple that was very great and in keep secret.Much art that was known by the community but was also that in banned to be trained by the elders of the Shaolin temple.Many steps from the Shaolin temple that took from seventy-two Shaolin temple arts.Not all the monks were taught by seventy-two Shaolin temple arts. needed time for years to occupants of the Shaolin temple just could study seventy-two Shaolin temple arts.That too must have self control that was good because seventy-two Shaolin temple arts were art that was trained and used as surviving knowledge/lived of the death someone.In fact in kung fu Shaolin this only as the beginning stage of the following stage was to look for enlightenment himself.

"If you wanted to better understand Kung Fu, you must train Qi Qing."
If you wanted to train Qi Qing, you must practise medetasi.
If you wanted to practise medetasi, you must control yourself.
If you wanted to control yourself, you must eliminate egoism/the ego.
If you wanted to eliminate egoism/the ego, you must clear up thoughts.
If you wanted to clear up thoughts, you must stop dreaming.
If you wanted to stop dreaming, you must be not fanatical.
If you want to not fanatical, you must stop compared.
If you wanted to stop compared, you must accept the reality.
If you wanted to accept the reality, you must train indra you.
If you want to trained indra you, you must study kung fu"."
This that was mentioned followed the Buddhist teaching or the Tao teaching.

The Buddhist teaching zen and taois only berpedoman "Concrete was the emptiness, the Emptiness was concrete."
In the sentence of Hui Miss that was famous "If the normal person was brightened by him will become Buddha, if Buddha was brightened by him will become the normal person."
If we received enlightenment/was brightened by us need not mengangap the other person was not brightened/tried to affect the other person/looked for the acknowledgment of the other person/tried to look for new matters/regarded himself holy/tried to brighten the other person/too fanatical/did not study again/did not want knew/too much was mixed/too much forced the desire/too much followed the person's other desire/did not know the love/too much menunjukan the love/too much was easy angry/too patient/too serious/too playful/too principled/too hesitant/too much thought that not-not matter-hali this akanmembuat we came back to the position not in brightened.

Seventy-two Shaolin temple arts not completely were created by the Shaolin temple monks but were carried the experts kung fu from various currents that became the temple monk shaolin as well as adanay the tradition developed art kung fu the Shaolin temple by the senior monks the temple shaolin.
Therefore terkumpulah seventy-two Shaolin temple arts that were the collection from the step kung fu that was very great and although not having the person that could study to seventy-two Shaolin temple arts on the whole because of causing the death/mad because around seventy-two Shaolin temple arts contradictory mutually in mengunakan the power in/Oi, the theory and will take up lifelong time also not necessarily was enough.
Because of one knowledge was needed by time three to ten years in training him through to skilled.

In training seventy-two Shaolin temple arts to have to have the foundations of Kung knowledge fu and had the determination that was very strong as well as the obligatory lesson was trained in seventy-two Shaolin temple arts to be Xin Yi Ba (the clean heart and mind) because without this art exercise we will leave the Shaolin temple teaching, despite us reached kung fu that was unequalled but will continue to ditahap looked for the strength and will lose ourselves as well as will have ambitions continually to look for the strong opponent/greater knowledge.
And this not the aim of the Shaolin temple created seventy-two Shaolin temple arts.

Seventy-two Shaolin temple arts were divided into ten categories in trained.
A) ten Qi Qing Shaolin arts.
B) ten arts trained indra.
C) twelve Seni alleviated the body.
D) nine arts trained the vein and the muscle.
E) Lima art of the attack of the hands palm.
F) six arts of the fist attack.
G) six arts of the claw attack.
H) four arts of the attack of the hands finger.
I) Lima attack art foot.
J) Lima art of the body attack.
Ajaran Budha zen dan taois hanya berpedoman " Berwujud adalah kekosongan , Kekosongan adalah berwujud . Pada kalimat Hui Neng yang terkenal " Jika orang biasa tercerahkan ia akan menjadi Budha , jika Budha tercerahkan ia kan menjadi orang biasa . Jika kita mendapat pencerahan / tercerahkan kita tak perlu mengangap orang lain tidak tercerahkan / berusaha mempengaruhi orang lain / mencari pengakuan orang lain / berusaha mencari hal-hal yang baru / menganggap diri suci / berusaha mencerahkan orang lain / terlalu fanatik / tidak belajar lagi / tidak mau tahu / terlalu ikut campur / terlalu memaksakan kehendak / terlalu mengikuti kehewndak orang lain / tidak mengenal cinta / terlalu menunjukan cinta / terlalu mudah marah / terlalu sabar / terlalu serius / terlalu bermain-main / terlalu berprinsip / terlalu ragu-ragu / terlalu berpikir yang bukan-bukan hal-hali ini akanmembuat kita kembali keposisi tidak di cerahkan .

Tujuh puluh dua seni kuil Shaolin bukan seluruhnya diciptakan oleh para biksu kuil Shaolin tetapi dibawa para ahli kung fu dari berbagai aliran yang menjadi biksu kuil shaolin serta adanay tradisi mengembangkan seni kung fu kuil Shaolin oleh para biksu senior kuil shaolin . Dengan demikian terkumpulah Tujuh puluh dua seni kuil Shaolin yang merupakan kumpulan dari jurus kung fu yang sangat hebat dan meskipun tidak ada orang yang mampu mempelajari ke Tujuh puluh dua seni kuil Shaolin secara keseluruhan sebab akan menyebabkan kematian / gila karena diantara Tujuh puluh dua seni kuil Shaolin itu saling bertentangan dalam mengunakan tenaga dalam / Oi , teori dan akan memakan waktu seumur hiduppun belum tentu cukup . Karena satu ilmu saja diperlukan waktu tiga sampai sepuluh tahun dalam melatihnya hingga mahir.

Dalam melatih Tujuh puluh dua seni kuil Shaolin harus mempunyai dasar-dasar ilmu Kung fu dan mempunyai tekat yang sangat kuat serta pelajaran yang wajib dilatih dalam Tujuh puluh dua seni kuil Shaolin adalah Xin Yi Ba ( hati dan pikiran bersih ) sebab tanpa latihan seni ini kita akan keluar dari ajaran kuil Shaolin , meskipun kita telah mencapai kung fu yang tak tertandingi tetapi akan tetap ditahap mencari kekuatan saja dan akan kehilangan diri kita sendiri serta akan berambisi terus-menerus mencari lawan tangguh / ilmu yang lebih hebat . Dan hal ini bukan tujuan dari kuil Shaolin menciptakan Tujuh puluh dua seni kuil Shaolin .

Tujuh puluh dua seni kuil Shaolin dibagi menjadi sepuluh katagori dalam melatih .
A ) Sepuluh seni Qi Qing Shaolin .
B ) Sepuluh seni melatih indra .
C ) Dua belas Seni meringankan tubuh .
D ) Sembilan seni melatih urat dan otot .
E ) Lima seni serangan telapak tangan .
F ) Enam seni serangan tinju .
G ) Enam seni serangan cakar .
H ) Empat seni serangan jari tangan .
I ) Lima seni serangan kaki .
J ) Lima seni serangan badan .

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