the form chi that?
The form from Chi could types, could be hot/electric or the light.
In the human body usually Chi emerges in the form of hot/electric. but according to Dr Yang Jwing Ming Ph, d: hot in fact not the Chi shape, but the shape from the Chi presence, the Chi shape in fact was the electricity current .Chi that flowed will be felt warm/hot, this was caused because the electricity current that passed our muscles experienced the obstacle.
Initially the exercise still much fat around skin and our muscle, the fat that kept the electricity current, when meeting dgn fat of the electricity current would ditransfornasikan to the hot shape.
There was Two types CHI KUNG:
(1) Chi before the birth/pre the birth/yuan Chi (that weigh down chi pre heavenly/sky: Chi this was before we saw sky/was born in the world. chi this came from the combination of the main point of our two parents, so Chi this came from the meeting of sperm and the ovum.
His centre was in And tien/the low point the navel.Chi this was cool down was acknowledged as Chi water.
(2) Chi after the birth/past bith chi/Hou tian chi: Chi this came from food, air and our place environment lived, so his quality was determined by food, water and our environment.
His centre was in And tien middle/the diesel fuel point plexus.Chi this was hot was mentioned chi fire.
There was two function Chi :
(1) Ying chi/Chi the organiser: Chi this that confirmed each organ on our body worked normal and perfect.Chi this flowed in each Meridian on our body.
(2) Wey chi/Chi the patron: Chi this concentrated on our body pores.
He emerged in the surface protected the body from the bad environment/from the disturbance peikis.If the hot weather then chi would memancar far out. but if cold air pores docked, guarded so that stable body heat, wey chi then will become smaller his broadcast.
Two traning CHI KUNG:
(A) Wai dan:
(1) the Emphasis in physical and the external power.
(2) the Chi Use in order to supports the power exsternal.
(3) the Chi Accumulation local.
(4) the Concentration locally to the area where Chi was accumulated.
(5) was useful to increase physical stamina.
(B) Nei dan:
(1) the Emphasis in the internal power.
(2) the Chi Use in order to increases the internal strength, was related to the increase kapisitas the capacitance of the organ against chi and the increase in the quality and the Chi quantity in the body.
(3) the Concentration dynamically/YI (wise thoughts) moving guided chi.
(4) Chi was channelled was guided by Yi through the Meridian/the organ.
(5) more effective to extend the age and durable young.
Wei and and Nei and must be trained equally , in order that Chi water and Chi balanced fire therefore the situation of body energy was always balanced. Yin and Yang was balanced ,what was like this the healthy situation true could be reached.
(1) Budidhis Chi kung (Da mo) :
Destination: Useful the increase spirutual,
The exercise Method: from exsternal ki internal (Strengthen physical previously just strengthened the organ in).
(2) Taoisme Chi kung (Loa zi) :
Destination: Useful the increase in the health, long the age but also the increase in the spiritual quality.
The exercise method: from internal to external (strengthened oragan in and increased chi technically bones breathing/with sexual stimulasion of the organs in order to increases the production chi call to prayer water was just continued by the physical exercise).
Apakah bentuk chi itu ? Bentuk dari Chi dapat bermacam_macam, bisa panas/ listrik atau cahaya. Dalam tubuh manusia biasanya Chi akan muncul dalam bentuk panas / listrik. tapi menurut DR Yang Jwing Ming Ph,d : panas sebenarnya bukanlah wujud Chi , tapi ujud dari kehadiran Chi , wujud Chi sebenarnya adalah aliran listrik .Chi yang mengalir akan terasa hangat/ panas , hal ini disebabkan karena aliran listrik yang melewati otot-otot kita mengalami hambatan . Pada awalnya latihan masih banyak lemak diantara kulit dan otot kita , lemak itu yang menahan aliran listrik , saat bertemu dgn lemak aliran listrik akan ditransfornasikan ke wujud panas.
(1) Chi sebelum kelahiran / pra kelahiran /yuan Chi (yang berati chi pra surgawi / langit:Chi ini ada sebelum kita melihat langit/ lahir di dunia . chi ini berasal dari gabungan sari kedua orang tua kita, Jadi Chi ini berasal dari pertemuan sperma dan ovum. Pusatnya ada di Dan tien / titik bawah pusar. Chi ini bersifat mendinginkan disebut Chi air.
(2) Chi setelah kelahiran/ past bith chi / Hou tian chi:Chi ini berasal dari makanan, udara dan lingkungan tempat kita hidup, jadi kualitasnya ditentukan oleh makanan, udara dan lingkungan kita. Pusatnya ada di Dan tien tengah / titik solar plexus. Chi ini bersifat panas disebut chi api.
(1) Ying chi/ Chi pengatur :Chi ini yang memastikan tiap organ-organ di tubuh kita bekerja normal dan sempurna. Chi ini mengalir dalam tiap Meridian di tubuh kita.
(2) Wey chi / Chi pelindung:Chi ini berpusat pada pori-pori tubuh kita. Ia muncul di permukaan melindungi tubuh dari lingkungan yang buruk /dari gangguan peikis. Jika cuaca panas maka chi akan memancar jauh ke luar . tapi jika udara dingin pori-pori merapat , menjaga agar panas tubuh stabil, wey chi pun akan mengecil pancarannya . Wei chi juga melindungi kita dari penyakit dan di percaya jika wey chi kuat maka kita akan terlindung dari ilmu hitam /black magic.
(A) Wai dan :
(1) Penekanan pada fisik dan tenaga eksternal.
(2) Penggunaan Chi guna menyokong tenaga exsternal.
(3) Akumulasi Chi lokal.
(4) Konsentrasi secara lokal pada daerah dimana Chi diakumulasikan.
(5) Berguna untuk meningkatkan stamina fisik.
(B) Nei dan :
(1) Penekanan pada tenaga internal.
(2) Penggunaan Chi guna meningkatkan kekuatan internal, menyangkut peningkatan kapisitas tampungan organ terhadap chi dan peningkatan kualitas dan kuantitas Chi dalam tubuh.
(3) Konsentrasi secara dinamis/ YI (pikiran bijak) bergerak menuntun chi .
(4) Chi dialirkan dituntun oleh Yi melalui Meridian /alat tubuh.
(5) Lebih efektif untuk memperpanjang usia dan awet muda.
Wei dan dan Nei dan harus dilatih secara seimbang ,agar Chi air dan Chi api seimbang dengan demikian keadaan energi tubuh selalu seimbang. Yin dan Yang seimbang ,dengan demikian keadaan sehat sejati dapat tercapai.
(1) Budidhis Chi kung (Da mo) :Tujuan : Berguna peningkatan spirutual,Cara latihan : Dari exsternal ki internal (Menguatkan fisik dulu baru menguatkan organ dalam).
(2) Taoisme Chi kung (Loa zi ) :Tujuan : Berguna peningkatan kesehatan , panjang usia dan juga peningkatan kualitas spiritual.Cara latihan : dari internal ke eksternal (menguatkan oragan dalam dan meningkatkan chi dengan teknik pernafasan tulang/ dengan stimulasi organ-organ seksual guna meningkatkan produksi chi air adan baru dilanjutkan latihan fisik).
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