Sekarang bagaimanakah hubungan Chi dengan tubuh manusia ?
Sebagai perbandingan kita lihat mesin-mesin yang bekerja di pabrik , tiap-tiap mesin bekerja dengan daya listrik tertentu .
misal nya ada mesin bekerja dengan daya seratus watt , ada yang lima ratus watt dan yang lain ada seribu watt dan lain-lain .
Bandingkan dengan organ-organ kita , tiap organ untuk dapat bekerja dengan baik tentu memerlukan energi juga .
Chi lah energi bio listrik yang membuat organ-organ tersebut bekerja dengan kapasitas daya tertentu .
Jika energi berlebih maka organ yang bersangkutan akan rusak .
Oleh karena itu kita lebih penting menjaga keseimbangan energi Chi sejak dini sehingga tercapai keadaan sehat sejati .
Sehat sejati adalah keadaan di mana baik fisik dan mental dalam keadaan sehat , kita kuat baik luar dan dalam .
Berarti yang benar adalah kita melatih baik fisik dan mental .
Dengan melatih fisik kita akan mencapai kesempurnaan fisik , tenaga fisik lebih kuat , tubuh lebih bagus dan lain-lain .
Dengan melatih mental kita akan lebih tenang dalam berpikir , tak mudah stress , lebih nijaksana , lebih seksama , lebih dewasa , aeas dan kuat secara mental , dapat mengendalikan diri sendiri dan bersikap dewasa , tak liar dan sesuka nya .
Ada pepatah berkata :
Mencari kekuatan adalah awal , bersatu dengan alam adalah tujuan utama .
Bila orang menunjukkan kekuatan nya , maka ia akan terkena hukum di atas langit ada langit .
Bila orang dapat bersatu dan menyatu dengan alam , ia akan hidup selaras dengan alam dan tahu di atas langit ada langit .
Wujud Chi .
Apakah wujud dari Chi itu ?
Wujud dari Chi dapat bermacam-macam biasa nya panas / listrik / cahaya .
Tapi menurut Dr Yang Wing Ming Phd : panas sebenar nya bukanlah wujud Chi , tapi wujud dari kehadiran Chi .
Jadi wujud Chi adalah aliran listrik yang mengalir ke lengan kita dan kita akan terasa panas di lengan kita karena aliran listrik yang melewati otot-otot kita menggalami hambatan , karena masih banyak lemak di antara kulit dan otot kita , lemak inilah yang menahan aliran listrik .
Saat bertemu dengan lemak aliran listrik akan ditransformasikan ke wujud panas karena konduktivitas lemak lebih rendah dari sekitar nya .
Jika aliran listrik mencapai permukaan kulit konduktivitas secara tiba-tiba juga menurun sehingga hambatan membesar hal ini menimbulkan panas juga .
Demikian pula jika kita mengumpulkan kekuatan dengan mengencangkan otot lengan , resistansi / hambatan di perbesar sehingga Chi terakumulasi di sana sehingga makin panaslah lengan kita .
Jadi Chi akan bergerak dengan mengikuti pikiran kita dan kehendak hati .
Ada pepatah berkata :
Awal nya susah di lakukan .
Kemudian menggunakan konsentrasi penuh untuk melakukan .
Kemudian terbiasa dengan hanya memerlukan konsenterasi sebentar .
Kemudian tanpa berkonsentrasi bisa melakukan nya .
Sebagai perbandingan kita lihat mesin-mesin yang bekerja di pabrik , tiap-tiap mesin bekerja dengan daya listrik tertentu .
misal nya ada mesin bekerja dengan daya seratus watt , ada yang lima ratus watt dan yang lain ada seribu watt dan lain-lain .
Bandingkan dengan organ-organ kita , tiap organ untuk dapat bekerja dengan baik tentu memerlukan energi juga .
Chi lah energi bio listrik yang membuat organ-organ tersebut bekerja dengan kapasitas daya tertentu .
Jika energi berlebih maka organ yang bersangkutan akan rusak .
Oleh karena itu kita lebih penting menjaga keseimbangan energi Chi sejak dini sehingga tercapai keadaan sehat sejati .
Sehat sejati adalah keadaan di mana baik fisik dan mental dalam keadaan sehat , kita kuat baik luar dan dalam .
Berarti yang benar adalah kita melatih baik fisik dan mental .
Dengan melatih fisik kita akan mencapai kesempurnaan fisik , tenaga fisik lebih kuat , tubuh lebih bagus dan lain-lain .
Dengan melatih mental kita akan lebih tenang dalam berpikir , tak mudah stress , lebih nijaksana , lebih seksama , lebih dewasa , aeas dan kuat secara mental , dapat mengendalikan diri sendiri dan bersikap dewasa , tak liar dan sesuka nya .
Ada pepatah berkata :
Mencari kekuatan adalah awal , bersatu dengan alam adalah tujuan utama .
Bila orang menunjukkan kekuatan nya , maka ia akan terkena hukum di atas langit ada langit .
Bila orang dapat bersatu dan menyatu dengan alam , ia akan hidup selaras dengan alam dan tahu di atas langit ada langit .
Wujud Chi .
Apakah wujud dari Chi itu ?
Wujud dari Chi dapat bermacam-macam biasa nya panas / listrik / cahaya .
Tapi menurut Dr Yang Wing Ming Phd : panas sebenar nya bukanlah wujud Chi , tapi wujud dari kehadiran Chi .
Jadi wujud Chi adalah aliran listrik yang mengalir ke lengan kita dan kita akan terasa panas di lengan kita karena aliran listrik yang melewati otot-otot kita menggalami hambatan , karena masih banyak lemak di antara kulit dan otot kita , lemak inilah yang menahan aliran listrik .
Saat bertemu dengan lemak aliran listrik akan ditransformasikan ke wujud panas karena konduktivitas lemak lebih rendah dari sekitar nya .
Jika aliran listrik mencapai permukaan kulit konduktivitas secara tiba-tiba juga menurun sehingga hambatan membesar hal ini menimbulkan panas juga .
Demikian pula jika kita mengumpulkan kekuatan dengan mengencangkan otot lengan , resistansi / hambatan di perbesar sehingga Chi terakumulasi di sana sehingga makin panaslah lengan kita .
Jadi Chi akan bergerak dengan mengikuti pikiran kita dan kehendak hati .
Ada pepatah berkata :
Awal nya susah di lakukan .
Kemudian menggunakan konsentrasi penuh untuk melakukan .
Kemudian terbiasa dengan hanya memerlukan konsenterasi sebentar .
Kemudian tanpa berkonsentrasi bisa melakukan nya .
elements and the important things in the Chi kung.
Things to remember in the Chi Kung are the three most important property, namely:
Jieng, Chi and Shen.
Shen in Chi kung.
Shen in Chinese language has many meanings.
When you connect with the verb is a body of attitudes, this is normal in its use in the Kung Fu,
When in Chi Kung could in interpreted as the spirit, when in ritual traditional China in interpreted as the god/the holy spirit.
So when the connect / sorted then:
When the body posture perfect and true, then the Chi will flow smoothly.
When Chi flowed fluently, then Yi (wise thoughts) will overcome Hsin (emotional thoughts) in this way the spirit was appointed in the position was most high-ranking.
When the spirit in the place where the most high in the spirit of the holy spirit and a holy spirit in a deity.
So a god is not in the imagined and not enough just to practice Chi Kung course.
there is only one way, if you want to become a god:
Dispose of ego, desire and lust of men, Did and sacrificed all of your life to help the other person , but you do not want themselves to be gods, even if only in your heart, this case is to cancel your self to become a god / buddha.
Shen is the spirit in the set by our minds.
If we were enthusiastic/was happy, then Shen was appointed high this in influenced by Hsin and this not the matter that fi wanted when we practised Chi Kung.
When we practice Chi Kung we must strengthen our Yi Hsin to press, Because only Yi that was strong we could guard so that Shen continue to in his position that is in Dan Tien upper that was located among the two eyebrows.
If Shen on its position, then we will be able to keep our sanity, but with the condition we should be able to Yi Hsin defeat, This that had difficulty.
Why the monk and leave biksu many worldly things to practice Chi Kung / improve the quality of their spiritual?
Actually was so that they could control Hsin they and reinforced Yi at the same time, because only therefore they could use Chi to load Shen to the level was higher.
If Shen picked up the spiritual level will also be picked up, so the more we step on the near god.
Necessary in knew Chi relations with Shen this.
Chi water was useful to be on duty at Shen continue to in his place, whereas Chi fire was useful to load this Shen.
The Shen development would in focussed in the level of the Chi Kung exercise the high-level.
To the person was sick Shen in the situation weakened,
whereas to the person who will die some of Shen will leave his place and when this person died, shen left his body on the whole.
Chi Kung exercises high-level aims to create a self-Shen and adults, so that Shen will be able to reach such level, then we call the Immortal / the eternal.
Because death can not defeat us and we will be long-lived, but it does not mean the eternal gods.
But to achieve this level of need at least three years practice instensif and leave the mundane, the mundane will leave us more likely to reach that level.
Hsin And Yi.
Yi mean mind wise, it appears from our world clean,
If Yi strong we think we will be able to clear, calm, logical and knowledgeable, the stronger we will become increasingly Yi superb quality of these things.
Yi can be obtained from a variety of ways:
There is a learning relaxation / medetasi, who have learned from kesastraan, who have learned how to read the prayers / nĂȘn Ching.
Hsin mind defined as emotional.
Hsin will make Shen confused and unsteady so as the person will find it easy to be affected stress/depression.
Therefore Yi must be stronger than Hsin.
Hsin was believed emerged from Chi after the birth/Chi fire that was produced in And Tien was originating in food and air that were inhaled by us, whereas Chi water produced Yi. But necessary in remembered that to do this needed Chi fire, so so that Chi fire did not take part in making Hsin jump so as to confuse Shen, then Chi water also must in increased his quality.
Kan and Li.
And the term Kan Li often met in China in the Chi Kung.
Kan means water, while Li means fire.
If we found this term meant us must invest the understanding would and Li balanced meant the body in the balanced situation.
Not too much that/too much Yin, Chi water and Chi balanced fire, our body in the ideal situation.
Things to remember in the Chi Kung are the three most important property, namely:
Jieng, Chi and Shen.
Shen in Chi kung.
Shen in Chinese language has many meanings.
When you connect with the verb is a body of attitudes, this is normal in its use in the Kung Fu,
When in Chi Kung could in interpreted as the spirit, when in ritual traditional China in interpreted as the god/the holy spirit.
So when the connect / sorted then:
When the body posture perfect and true, then the Chi will flow smoothly.
When Chi flowed fluently, then Yi (wise thoughts) will overcome Hsin (emotional thoughts) in this way the spirit was appointed in the position was most high-ranking.
When the spirit in the place where the most high in the spirit of the holy spirit and a holy spirit in a deity.
So a god is not in the imagined and not enough just to practice Chi Kung course.
there is only one way, if you want to become a god:
Dispose of ego, desire and lust of men, Did and sacrificed all of your life to help the other person , but you do not want themselves to be gods, even if only in your heart, this case is to cancel your self to become a god / buddha.
Shen is the spirit in the set by our minds.
If we were enthusiastic/was happy, then Shen was appointed high this in influenced by Hsin and this not the matter that fi wanted when we practised Chi Kung.
When we practice Chi Kung we must strengthen our Yi Hsin to press, Because only Yi that was strong we could guard so that Shen continue to in his position that is in Dan Tien upper that was located among the two eyebrows.
If Shen on its position, then we will be able to keep our sanity, but with the condition we should be able to Yi Hsin defeat, This that had difficulty.
Why the monk and leave biksu many worldly things to practice Chi Kung / improve the quality of their spiritual?
Actually was so that they could control Hsin they and reinforced Yi at the same time, because only therefore they could use Chi to load Shen to the level was higher.
If Shen picked up the spiritual level will also be picked up, so the more we step on the near god.
Necessary in knew Chi relations with Shen this.
Chi water was useful to be on duty at Shen continue to in his place, whereas Chi fire was useful to load this Shen.
The Shen development would in focussed in the level of the Chi Kung exercise the high-level.
To the person was sick Shen in the situation weakened,
whereas to the person who will die some of Shen will leave his place and when this person died, shen left his body on the whole.
Chi Kung exercises high-level aims to create a self-Shen and adults, so that Shen will be able to reach such level, then we call the Immortal / the eternal.
Because death can not defeat us and we will be long-lived, but it does not mean the eternal gods.
But to achieve this level of need at least three years practice instensif and leave the mundane, the mundane will leave us more likely to reach that level.
Hsin And Yi.
Yi mean mind wise, it appears from our world clean,
If Yi strong we think we will be able to clear, calm, logical and knowledgeable, the stronger we will become increasingly Yi superb quality of these things.
Yi can be obtained from a variety of ways:
There is a learning relaxation / medetasi, who have learned from kesastraan, who have learned how to read the prayers / nĂȘn Ching.
Hsin mind defined as emotional.
Hsin will make Shen confused and unsteady so as the person will find it easy to be affected stress/depression.
Therefore Yi must be stronger than Hsin.
Hsin was believed emerged from Chi after the birth/Chi fire that was produced in And Tien was originating in food and air that were inhaled by us, whereas Chi water produced Yi. But necessary in remembered that to do this needed Chi fire, so so that Chi fire did not take part in making Hsin jump so as to confuse Shen, then Chi water also must in increased his quality.
Kan and Li.
And the term Kan Li often met in China in the Chi Kung.
Kan means water, while Li means fire.
If we found this term meant us must invest the understanding would and Li balanced meant the body in the balanced situation.
Not too much that/too much Yin, Chi water and Chi balanced fire, our body in the ideal situation.
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