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Friday, February 11, 2011

Jenis pernapasaan - 4

Jenis pernapasan :

  3) Pernapasan dada ./ chest breathing.
Pernapasan ini biasa nya di lakukan dengan menggerakkan tulang-tulang rusuk guna memompa paru-paru .
Dengan bergerak nya paru-paru , maka kapasitas oksigen yang masuk lebih besar dan tenaga fisik yang di hasilkan lebih besar .
Pernapasan jenis ini banyak di gunakan olah raga dan beladiri Wai Dan .
Olah raga ini lebih mementingkan ketangkasan dan kekuatan fisik .

Pernapasan ini dilakukan lewat hidung perlahan-lahan masuk paru-paru dan di keluarkan lewat hidung perlahan-lahan .
Kemudian dilakukan bersamaan dengan aktivitas olah raga tersebut .

Bersambung - 5

The respiratory kind:

3) chest breathing.

This breathing was normal him in did by moving ribs in order to pumps the lungs.
In a moving manner him the lungs, then the oxygen capacity that entered bigger and the physical power that in produced bigger.
This kind breathing many in used sport and the self-defence of wai Dan.
This sport more emphasised the skill and the physical strength.
This breathing was carried out through the slow nose entered the lungs and in dismissed through the slow nose.
Afterwards was carried out along with the activity of this sport.

Was continued - 5

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