Chi adalah penjabaran dari ideogram bangsa china yang seperti kebanyakan ideogram china lain nya memiliki banyak arti .
Chi berarti daya kehidupan / gas / udara / nafas / bau dan lebih banyak lagi .
Ini merupakan konsep kunci dari filsafat china dan mengartikan unsur penting yang tak terlibat .
Dalam kedokteran China tradisional , Chi berarti kegiatan fisiologi dan vitalitas fungsi organisme nya , maka chi berarti suatu daya / energi kehidupan .
Mengapa chi memiliki sedemikian banyak arti yang sekilas tak saling berhubungan ?
Suatu penjelasan di temukan pada kenyataan bahwa semua arti itu berkaitan dengan pernapasan .
Udara bersifat gas , udara di hirup keluar dan masuk melalui pernafasan dan melalui pernafasan kita mengumpulkan energi .
Dengan penarikan nafas dalam-dalam dan pengembangan dada kita menunjukkan kekuatan nya .
Penghembusan terlihat saat nafas ke luar dari tubuh kita dan dada mengempis .
Melalui latihan Chi Kung kita dapat merasakan bagaimana tubuh di penuhi oleh energi saat menarik nafas .
Udara yang dihirup dan energi yang di hasilkan merupakan satu ke satuan dan dinamakan Chi .
kini di ketahui bahwa orang bernafas dalam udara dan penghirupan nafas ini mempengaruhi energi chi .
Menurut buku Huang Di Nei Jing :
Ratusan penyakit timbul saat chi tak harmonis .
Kalau orang marah , Chi meningkat dalam tubuh .
Kalau orang gembira . Chi mengalir dengan mudah .
Kalau orang sedih , Chi murung dan enggan bergerak .
Kalau orang cemas , Chi berkurang dan terlemahkan .
Kalau orang takut , chi menjadi kacau .
Kalau orang terlalu banyak bekerja , Chi banyak di gunakan .
Kalau orang terlalu banyak merenung dan berpikir , Chi tersendat .
Dalam dingin , Chi menyurutkan diri .
Dalam panas Chi melarikan diri .
Ini adalah sejumlah alasan kekacauan Chi .
Menurut teori kedokteran China tradisional .
Terlalu banyak marah menghancurkan hati .
Terlalu banyak tertawa menghancurkan jantung .
Terlalu banyak cemas menghancurkan ginjal .
Terlalu banyak berpikir dan merenung mempengaruhi limpah dan lambung .
Terlalu banyak bersedih dan meratap mempengaruhi paru-paru .
Teori ini berhubungan dengan penjelasan psikosomatis atas terjadi nya perubahan organ-organ dalam dan asal mula penyakit .
Kalau Chi dalam keadaan harmonis , keadaan tersebut di kenal sebagai Chi He .
Kalau Chi sedang kacau dapat di katakan orang nya sedang menderita pengaruh negatif / keadaan Chi yang buruk , keadaan tersebut di kenal sebagai Chi Xie .
Keadaan yang buruk lebih dahulu menimbulkan perasaan tak nyaman , lalu nyeri dan perkembangan nya lebih lanjut , sampai gangguan fungsional / perubahan organik .
Inilah asal mula nya muncul penyakit , untuk memperoleh pemulihan kondisi ke tidak harmonisan Chi harus di kembalikan ke jalur nya .
Sehingga keadaan Chi yang terganggu menjadi harmonis kembali .
5) Chi.
Chi was explication from the nation ideogram china that like most ideograms china other him had many meanings.
Chi means of power / gas / air / breath / smell and more.
This is a key concept from the philosophy china and interpret important element that is not involved.
In traditional Chinese medicine, Chi means of physiology and function of organisms to its vitality, the chi means a power / energy of life.
Why has so much chi is not a glimpse of each other?
Find an explanation in the fact that all meaning is related to respiratory.
Air was shaped like a gas, air in inhaled left and entered through breathing and through our breathing gathered energy.
With the withdrawal of breath-in and development of breasts in our show its strength.
Exhalation was seen when the breath came out of our body and the chest collapsed.
Through practice Chi Kung, we can feel how the body energy in the meet by time inhale.
Air that was inhaled and energy that in produced was one to the unit and was named Chi.
According to the book Huang Di Nei Jing:
Hundreds of the disease arises when the chi is not harmonious.
If the angry person, Chi increased in the body.
If the happy person. Chi flowed easily.
If the sad person, Chi dejected and was reluctant to move.
If the concerned person, Chi decreased and was weakened.
If the frightened person, chi became chaotic.
If the person too many worked, Chi many in used.
If the person too many mused and thought, Chi most stagnant.
In the cold, Chi withdrew themselves.
In summer Chi fled.
This is a number of reasons why chaos Chi.
According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine.
Too many angry heartrending.
Too much laughing the heart.
Too many fear the kidney.
Too many thought and mused influenced abundant and the side
Too many was sad and mourned affected the lungs. .
Theory associated with this explanation is going up psikosomatis changes in organs and the origin of disease.Chi was explication from the nation ideogram china that like most ideograms china other him had many meanings.
Chi means of power / gas / air / breath / smell and more.
This is a key concept from the philosophy china and interpret important element that is not involved.
In traditional Chinese medicine, Chi means of physiology and function of organisms to its vitality, the chi means a power / energy of life.
Why has so much chi is not a glimpse of each other?
Find an explanation in the fact that all meaning is related to respiratory.
Air was shaped like a gas, air in inhaled left and entered through breathing and through our breathing gathered energy.
With the withdrawal of breath-in and development of breasts in our show its strength.
Exhalation was seen when the breath came out of our body and the chest collapsed.
Through practice Chi Kung, we can feel how the body energy in the meet by time inhale.
Air that was inhaled and energy that in produced was one to the unit and was named Chi.
According to the book Huang Di Nei Jing:
Hundreds of the disease arises when the chi is not harmonious.
If the angry person, Chi increased in the body.
If the happy person. Chi flowed easily.
If the sad person, Chi dejected and was reluctant to move.
If the concerned person, Chi decreased and was weakened.
If the frightened person, chi became chaotic.
If the person too many worked, Chi many in used.
If the person too many mused and thought, Chi most stagnant.
In the cold, Chi withdrew themselves.
In summer Chi fled.
This is a number of reasons why chaos Chi.
According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine.
Too many angry heartrending.
Too much laughing the heart.
Too many fear the kidney.
Too many thought and mused influenced abundant and the side
Too many was sad and mourned affected the lungs. .
If Chi is harmony, the situation is known as Chi He.
If Chi is being distracted can say in its people are suffering from the negative / Chi a bad situation, the situation is known as Chi Xie.
The state of the first cause bad feeling not comfortable, and pain and its further development, Until the functional disturbance/the organic change.
This is the origin of disease will appear, to receive restoration of the condition to not harmony Chi must in returned to his route .
So that the Chi is disturbed back into harmony.
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