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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Jenis pernapasaan, - 9

Jenis pernapasan :

8 ) Pernapasan tubuh .

Pernapasan ini mempunyai guna yang sama dengan teknik menahan napas dalam mengerahkan Chi keluar tubuh .
Hanya beda nya di sini kita melatih seluruh tubuh untuk memancarkan bola Chi / Wey Chi dengan kuat .
Untuk melakukan pernapasan jenis ini di perlukan kualitas Chi yang cukup tinggi .
Jika kita dapat melatih kemampuan mengerahkan Chi keluar tubuh ,
tubuh kita akan mudah menjadi transparan saat kita bermedetasi , arti nya Chi kita melebur dengan Chi alam .
Kita juga akan mudah melancarkan aliran Chi yang macet dan juga mudah mengerahkan Chi ke setiap bagian tubuh yang kita sukai .

Latihan nya di lakukan dengan cara duduk bersila / berdiri .
Jika duduk bersila letakkan kedua tangan anda di atas pusar demikian juga jika berdiri .
Lalu pejamkan mata jika anda suka , tapi kalau anda mampu berkonsentrasi dengan mata terbuka boleh saja .
Setelah itu lakukan
pernapasan abdomen , boleh motede buddha / motede Taoisme .
Lalu konsentrasikan Yi anda pada seluruh tubuh terutama permukaan kulit .

ada dua cara untuk memperkuat Wey Chi anda :

1 ) Anda membayangkan tubuh anda di selimuti oleh api yang berkorbar , tapi cara ini dapat membuat tubuh anda terlalu Yang dengan cepat .

2 ) Anda membayangkan diri anda di selimuti bola Chi yang kuat dan bergerak membesar dan mengecil sesuai irama
pernapasan anda .
Bayankan tiap kali anda berlatih bahwa bola itu makin besar dan kuat .
Bola ini dapat anda bayangkan berwarna putih / transparan .

kesempurnaan dalam latihan ini disebut anda telah mencapai Guei Shy / napas penyu .
Penyu dapat hidup ratusan tahun di percaya karena kemampuan nya bernapas langsung melalui pori-pori nya .

The respiratory kind:

8) The body breathing.

This breathing had for that was the same as the technique kept the breath in mobilising Chi outside the body.
Only of his differences here we trained all the body to broadcast the ball of Chi/Wey Chi strongly.
To carry out this kind breathing in needed the Chi quality that was high enough.
If we could train the capacity to mobilise Chi outside the body, our body will be easy to become transparent during us medetasi, his meaning of Chi we merged with Chi nature.
We will also find it easy to expedite the Chi current that stalled but also was easy to mobilise Chi to each body part that was liked by us.

His exercise in did by means of sitting cross-legged/stood.
If sitting cross-legged placed your two hands on the navel likewise if standing.
Then closed the eyes if you liked, but if you could concentrate on with the eyes being open might then.
After that carried out abdomen breathing, might motede Buddha/motede Taoisme.
Then concentrated Yi you to all the body especially the surface of skin.

There were two methods of reinforcing Wey Chi you:

1) you imagined your body in covered by flaring fire, but this method could make your body too much that quickly.

2) you imagined yourself in covered the Chi ball that was strong and moving grew and became smaller in accordance with the rhythm of your breathing.
Explain each one of your times practised that the ball was increasingly big and strong.
This ball could be imagined by you were white/transparent.

Perfection was in this exercise acknowledged as you reached Guei Shy/the turtle breath.
The turtle could live hundreds of years in believed because his capacity breathed immediately through his pores.

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