Kesimpulan Jenis pernapasan :
Dari sembilan pernapasan ini masih ada beberapa jenis pernapasan lain dalam Chi Kung , tapi jenis-jenis ini jarang di lakukan .
ada pepatah dan kunci dalam pernapasan adalah :
Pengaturan napas tanpa pengaturan , berarti anda harus berlatih napas sampai anda tak perlu berkonsentrasi lagi .
Misalnya : Jika anda menyetir mobil pertama kali tentu anda tegang dan berkonsentrasi penuh dalam memegang kemudi / mengatur porsneling ,
tapi jika anda telah ahli , maka semua nya seakan sudah tak di atur lagi , karena terbiasa .
Ada pepatah berkata :
Bila anda melatih pernapasan pertama kali anda harus berkonsentrasi dengan penuh tanpa bergerak .
Bila anda sudah melatih pernapasan berpuluh-puluh kali anda hanya memerlukan beberapa menit untuk mendapatkan hasil .
Bila anda sudah melatih pernapasan ribuan kali , sambil berjalan pun dapat melakukan .
Bila anda sudah melatih pernapasan jutaan kali , tanpa berpikir [un dapat melakukan nya .
Itu sebab nya hasil di dapat dari apa yang kamu lakukan .
Hal ini juga berlaku pada medetasi , karena ketika awal kamu harus memusatkan diri mu ke dalam tubuh mu .
Tahap kedua kamu melepaskan pemusatan pada diri mu .
Tahap ketiga kamu sambil berjalan pun bisa melakukan medetasi .
Maka orang yang dapat melihat dewa akan dapat melihat setan , sebab dewa dan setan sama-sama tak bisa di lihat oleh mata biasa manusia .
The conclusion of the respiratory Kind:
From nine breathing still had several other respiratory kinds in Chi Kung, but these kinds were rare in did.
There were the saying and the key in breathing was:
the breath Regulation without the regulation, meant you must practise the breath until you need not concentrate on again.
For example:
If you drove the car the first time certainly you were tense and concentrating was full in holding the rudder/arranged porsneling, but if you were expert, then all him as though already not in arranged again, because of being used to it.
There was the talking saying:
When you trained breathing the first time you must concentrate on fully without moving.
When you have trained breathing of dozens of your times only needed several minutes to get results.
When you have trained breathing of thousands of times, while going then could do.
When you have trained breathing of millions of times, without thinking about then could carry him out.
That because of him results in could from what was done by you.
This also was valid in meditation, because when early you must focus yourself you in your body.
Your second stage released the concentration to himself you.
Your third stage while going then could carry out meditation.
Then the person who could see the god can see the devil, because of the god and the devil together could not in saw by the normal eyes humankind.
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