Jenis pernapasan :
2 ) Pernapasan tarik penuh dan buang penuh ./ ) breathing pulled was full and discarded was full.
Pernapasan ini digunakan untuk memaksimalkan kapasitas paru-paru dalam menerima udara .
Tiap kali kita habis olah raga lari / bersepeda biasa nya kita menarik napas penuh , hal ini jelas untuk mempercepat prosese penggantian oksigen tubuh yang terkuras .
Dalam latihan Chi kung , pernapasan ini diperlukan untuk :
A ) sama seperti pernapasan dada untuk meningkatkan kapasitas oksigen yang masuk , juga untuk melatih otot-otot abdomen / perut , sehingga Chi akan berakumulasi pada Dan Tien bawah .
B ) Saat kita menarik napas penuh dan membuang napas penuh , sambil membuang sedikit suara kita akan menaikkan Yi dan Shen pada kemampuan maksimum nya .
C ) Bila kita kehabisan tenaga / kehabisan napas ,
hiruplah napas dari hidung masuk ke paru-paru perlahan-lahan , sampai paru-paru penuh dan keluarkan lewat hidung perlahan-lahan .
lakukan beberapa kali maka napas mu akan teratur kembali .
bersambung -4
The respiratory kind:
2) breathing pulled was full and discarded was full.
This breathing was used to maximise the capacity of the lungs in accepting air.
Each one of our times was finished sport ran/rode a normal bicycle him we breathed was full, this clear to speed up the process of the replacement of body oxygen that was drained.
In the Chi Kung exercise, this breathing was needed to:
A) same like chest breathing to increase the oxygen capacity that entered, also to train abdomen muscles/the stomach, so as Chi will accumulate in Den Tien low.
B) When we breathed be full and exhaled was full, while throwing few of our voices away will load Yi and Shen in his maximum capacity.
C) When we ran out of the power/ran out of the breath, inhaled the breath from the nose entered the slow lungs, until the lungs were full and dismissed through the slow nose.
Did several times then your breath will be arranged again.
Was continued - 4
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