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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Mi Zong Quan

Mi Zong Quan

History: Mi Zong Quan, or Lost Step fist (also known as Lost Track Boxing), is also called Yan Qing Quan. During the Northern Song Dynasty, Lu Junyi of Hebei province learned this style from Shaolin Temple. Later, he passed the Style on to a man named Yan Qing. As a result, the style became known as Yan Qing Quan. This style of gungfu focuses mainly on using internal energy and hand and foot co-ordination. There are sixteen main fighting principles. Mi Zhong Quan includes a primary and secondary set, staff, spear, sparring sets and others

Sejarah: Mi Quan Zong, atau Lost kepalan Langkah (juga dikenal sebagai Lost Track Tinju), juga disebut Yan Qing Quan. Selama Dinasti Song Utara, Lu Junyi provinsi Hebei belajar gaya dari Shaolin Temple. Kemudian, ia melewati Style pada seorang pria bernama Yan Qing. Akibatnya, gaya dikenal sebagai Yan Qing Quan. Gaya gungfu berfokus terutama pada menggunakan energi internal dan tangan dan kaki koordinasi. Ada enam belas prinsip pertempuran utama. Mi Zhong Quan termasuk satu set primer dan sekunder, staf, tombak, perdebatan set dan lain yang patut

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