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Monday, December 27, 2010



History: Tongbei Quan, or back-through boxing, is also called Tongbi Quan or arm boxing and is one of the most popular schools in Northern China। Due to its long history it boasts of various names in different places such as the Wuxing (five elements), six-combinations, five monkey, axe-hitch and Shaolin. Although there are different names, the different styles of Tongbei Quan are all based on the same boxing theory and have the same origin.In 1937 Wu Tainxu wrote in his book Tongbei Quanshu that this school of boxing has been called the back-through, which was later changed to the white ape school and long-armed ape school.

Movements originated from early Tongbei stylists imitating orang-utans and apes, and it is also referred to as the orang-utan style, due to the long arm strikes. Recently, many forms have developed out of this style, such as White ape style. Qing dynasty practitioners additionally called it the travelling boxing or Chang Quan (long range boxing.)Some say that Tongbei Quan was created in the period of the Five Dynasties (907-960) or in the Song dynasty (960-1279). One theory is that it was created by Han Tong, recorded in some boxing literature as one of the 18 boxing masters of ancient times. Another theory says that Chen Tuan created it in the early Song dynasty. Huang Tong recorded in some boxing literature as one of the 18 boxing masters of ancient times. Another theory says that Chen Tuan created it in the early Song dynasty. Huang Zongxi, a well-known scholar of the Ming dynasty (1368-1644) wrote in an essay that Tongbei Quan was the best among all boxing schools.
According to the boxing chronicles by Xiu Jianchi (1931), Qi Xin of Zhejiang went to teach the back-through boxing at the Guan in Hebei province in the latter half of the Qing dynasty, where his son Qi Taichang improved it. Originally Tongbei did not refer to a school of boxing but to a way of exercise. "Tong" (through) means to pass through and reach and "Bei" (back) means the human back. When the exercises are done power is generated from the back to pass through the shoulders and then reaching the arms. In this way, heavy blows can be delivered at the arm's length to control the opponent. Back-through boxing takes the five elements of traditional Chinese philosophy as its basic theory, and is also characterised by movements based on birds and animals - monkeys, eagles, cranes and cats.

The original and complete name of the Tongbeiquan is Baiyuan Tongbeiquan.Baiyuan means white monkey. According to the legend, during the Spring and autumn period (500 ACs), there was a very famous martial artist called Yuan Gong.He was old with white hair and beard and it always dressed with white suits.One day he challenged another Teacher, but lost the struggle.So that it became a white monkey and it ran away in the forest. He was called therefore Baiyuan Laoren (Laoren means old man). Many peoples believed that he was an immortal monkey that taught secretly his ability.It was very respected in the Chinese martial arts society. Tong means not obstructed, open, to pass through, to connect, or to connect together anything; Bei it means back.Tongbei wants therefore to say to connect together arms and back, and the arm can have a longer strength, and the inside can easily have passed through, and the qi can be issued from the hands. In China there is a type of monkey called Tongbei Yuan that it has the arm very long (very longer than the other monkeys).]

In the Tongbeiquan the apprentices don't imitate the movements of the monkey, but rather they imitate his intention.This is said "to study the idea but not the external movement".Nobody really knows who was the founder of the style and when it was invented.For the first time the Tongbei was mentioned in a thousand year-old ancient book.In this notation is written that during the dynasty Song, the General Han Tong knew the Tongbeiquan.Another quotation of 400 years ago affirms: "the ability in the Tongbei of Youshen is the bestest".These files only try that the Tongbei has a long history.The majority of the groups of Tongbei respects, as the inventor of the style, a man called Bai Shikou, the other name is Yisan, the Taoist name was Dong Lingzi, and the nickname is Baiyuan (white monkey) Laoren (old man).

The legend narrates that he lived 2500 years ago approximately.There is however another version of the Tongbei history, in which the lineage is clear and where the names of all the famous Teachers of every generation are brought.In this version it's said that the original founder of this style was Chen Tuan (his Taoist name was Fuyaozi). Chen (? - 989) it was a Taoist Teacher that lived during the Song dynasty.He was a famous researcher, and it did a great job in the study of the Taoism, developing many new concepts.Some peoples believe that, while it was practising Taoism on the Huashan Mountain , he invented the Tongbeiquan and the Shuigong Fa a qigong method.Even if the Tongbeiquan was practiced from thousand of years, it not was popular up to that the Teacher Lu Yunqing didn't teach it in the nineteenth century.The Teacher Lu had two famous disciples; one was Qi Xin and the other one was Shi
Hongsheng.Later these two Teachers they developed their their own methods.The Qi system is called Chai Quan or to get off the ability.The base training of the method Shi is of 24 positions, at times called Lian Quan or synthesized form.The Teachers of Tongbei are often traditionalists and conservatories.Because of this conservatism, it's very difficult to succeed in studying this style.In the past in fact every Teacher taught secretly.All of this has limited of it development deeply.In 1800 the Teacher Qi Xin taught in public.Qi Xin was a resident of the Zhejiang province, but it was active in the whole Hebei, Henan, Shanxi and the Shandong provinces.During the time of Emperor Daoguang (Qing Dynasty, 1821 - 1850), the Teacher Qi was put in the troubles with the local authorities of his country, and he ran away in the County of Guan in the Hebei province.He hid and privately worked for the rich family Yin, very powerful in the administrative district of Liulihe.

During his stay with the Yin family, the Teacher Qi never made to see his ability in the martial arts, up to that didn't have to fight against the Du family, another powerful clan that fought against the Yin family for the control of the business in the local bring.Using a long baton, Qi defeated the many adversaries.Accordingly, he was greeted by many peoples as a great Teacher.Many peoples asked then to him to teach the art of the Tongbei.Later his students they brought the Tongbei in the great Northern cities, included Beijing and Tianjing.The Qi method was divided in two styles called old Qi (Lao Qi Pai) and young Qi (Shao Qi Pai). In the old style Qi, the original training methods of Qi Xin were maintained, with greater and harder movements. In the young Qi style, his child Qi Taichang modified the method, the movements are softer and more detailed and fluid.Accordingly, all the additional branches were developed by these two methods, included Wuxing (five element) Tongbei and Wuyuan (five monkey) Tongbei.Today in Northern China, the Qi style has widely scattered and has been rather influential in many places, especially to Beijing, Tianjing, and in the area of the Hebei. In the Guan County where Qi Xin started to teach the Tongbei they are still many professionals of Tongbei. In Beijing and Tianjing, many apprentices of Tongbeiquan can be found.
In the twentieth century, Xiu Jianchi went to Shenyang (northeast of Beijing) and taught the style.He made a lot of changes and it created a lot of new forms. As he used the concept of the Wuxing (five elements) to explain his style, many peoples call this branch Wuxing Tongbeiquan.Today his group is very great and popular in northeastern China.

Sejarah: Tongbei Quan, atau back-melalui tinju, juga disebut Tongbi Quan atau tinju lengan dan merupakan salah satu sekolah yang paling populer di Cina Utara. Karena sejarah panjang itu menawarkan berbagai nama di berbagai tempat seperti Wuxing (lima unsur), enam-kombinasi, lima monyet, kapak-halangan dan Shaolin. Meskipun ada nama yang berbeda, gaya yang berbeda dari Tongbei Quan semua berdasarkan teori tinju yang sama dan memiliki origin.In yang sama 1937 Wu Tainxu menulis dalam bukunya Tongbei Quanshu bahwa ini sekolah tinju telah disebut sebagai back-melalui, yang kemudian diubah ke sekolah kera putih dan sekolah kera berlengan panjang.

Mutasi berasal dari stylist Tongbei awal meniru orang utan dan kera, dan juga disebut sebagai gaya orang utan, karena serangan lengan panjang. Baru-baru ini, banyak bentuk telah dikembangkan dari gaya, seperti gaya kera putih. Dinasti Qing praktisi tambahan menyebutnya tinju bepergian atau Chang Quan (tinju jarak jauh.) Beberapa orang mengatakan bahwa Tongbei Quan diciptakan pada periode Lima Dinasti (907-960) atau di dinasti Song (960-1279). Satu teori adalah bahwa hal itu diciptakan oleh Han Tong, tercatat dalam beberapa literatur tinju sebagai salah satu dari 18 master tinju zaman kuno. Teori lain mengatakan bahwa Chen Tuan menciptakan itu pada awal dinasti Song. Tong Huang tercatat dalam beberapa literatur tinju sebagai salah satu dari 18 master tinju zaman kuno. Teori lain mengatakan bahwa Chen Tuan menciptakan itu pada awal dinasti Song. Huang Zongxi, seorang sarjana terkenal dari dinasti Ming (1368-1644) menulis dalam sebuah esai yang Tongbei Quan adalah yang terbaik di antara semua sekolah tinju.

Menurut sejarah tinju oleh Xiu Jianchi (1931), Qi Xin Zhejiang pergi untuk mengajar kembali-melalui tinju di Guan di provinsi Hebei di paruh kedua dari dinasti Qing, di mana anaknya Qi Taichang meningkatkannya. Awalnya Tongbei tidak mengacu ke sekolah tinju tetapi cara latihan. "Tong" (melalui) berarti melewati dan mencapai dan "Bei" (belakang) berarti kembali manusia. daya Ketika latihan yang dilakukan adalah dihasilkan dari belakang untuk melewati bahu dan kemudian mencapai lengan. Dengan cara ini, pukulan berat dapat disampaikan pada panjang lengan untuk mengendalikan lawan. Back-melalui tinju mengambil lima unsur filsafat China tradisional sebagai teori dasar, dan juga ditandai oleh gerakan-gerakan yang didasarkan pada burung dan binatang - monyet, elang, crane dan kucing.

Nama asli dan lengkap dari Tongbeiquan adalah Baiyuan Tongbeiquan.Baiyuan berarti kera putih. Menurut legenda, selama periode Musim Semi dan musim gugur (500 AC), ada seorang seniman bela diri yang sangat terkenal yang disebut Yuan Gong.He sudah tua dengan rambut putih dan janggut dan selalu berpakaian dengan hari suits.One putih dia menantang Guru lain, namun kehilangan struggle.So bahwa itu menjadi kera putih dan melarikan diri di hutan. Karena itu ia dipanggil Baiyuan Laoren (Laoren berarti orang tua). Banyak orang percaya bahwa ia adalah seorang monyet abadi yang mengajarkan diam-diam ability.It nya sangat dihormati dalam masyarakat seni bela diri Cina. Tong berarti tidak terhalang, terbuka, melewati, dapat terhubung, atau dapat terhubung bersama-sama apa-apa; Bei artinya back.Tongbei karena itu ingin mengatakan dapat terhubung bersama senjata dan kembali, dan lengan dapat memiliki kekuatan lagi, dan di dalam bisa mudah telah melewati, dan qi dapat dikeluarkan dari tangan. Di Cina ada jenis monyet yang disebut Tongbei Yuan hal ini memiliki lengan yang sangat panjang (sangat panjang dari monyet-monyet lain).]

Dalam Tongbeiquan para pekerja tidak meniru gerakan monyet, melainkan mereka meniru intention.This nya dikatakan "untuk mempelajari ide tetapi tidak gerakan eksternal". Tidak ada yang benar-benar tahu yang merupakan pendiri dari gaya dan ketika adalah invented.For pertama kalinya Tongbei disebutkan dalam book.In seribu kuno tahun notasi ini ditulis bahwa selama dinasti Song, Jenderal Han Tong tahu kutipan Tongbeiquan.Another dari 400 tahun yang lalu menegaskan: "kemampuan di Tongbei dari Youshen adalah "bestest. File-file ini hanya mencoba bahwa Tongbei memiliki mayoritas history.The panjang kelompok menghormati Tongbei, sebagai penemu gaya, seorang pria bernama Bai Shikou, nama lain adalah Yisan, nama Tao itu Dong Lingzi, dan nama panggilan adalah Baiyuan (kera putih) Laoren (orang tua).

Legenda menceritakan bahwa ia hidup 2500 tahun yang lalu approximately.There Namun versi lain dari sejarah Tongbei, di mana garis keturunan jelas dan di mana nama-nama dari semua Guru terkenal setiap generasi yang brought.In versi itu mengatakan bahwa yang asli pendiri gaya ini adalah Chen Tuan (nama Tao nya Fuyaozi). Chen (-? 989) itu adalah Guru Tao yang hidup pada dynasty.He Song seorang peneliti terkenal, dan itu pekerjaan yang besar dalam studi Taoisme, dan mengembangkan banyak orang concepts.Some baru percaya bahwa, sementara itu Taoisme berlatih di Gunung Huashan, ia menemukan Tongbeiquan dan Fa Shuigong sebuah method.Even Qigong jika Tongbeiquan dipraktekkan dari ribuan tahun, tidak sedang populer sampai bahwa Guru Lu Yunqing tidak mengajarkan hal itu pada abad kesembilan belas Para Lu Guru memiliki dua murid terkenal;. salah satunya Qi Xin dan satu lainnya adalah Shi

Hongsheng.Later kedua Guru mereka mengembangkan sistem mereka methods.The mereka Qi sendiri disebut Chai Quan atau turun dari pelatihan dasar ability.The metode Shi adalah 24 posisi, di kali disebut Lian Quan atau Guru form.The disintesis dari Tongbei sering tradisionalis dan conservatories.Because konservatisme ini, sangat sulit untuk berhasil dalam belajar style.In ini masa lalu sebenarnya setiap Guru mengajarkan secretly.All ini telah membatasi pengembangan itu deeply.In 1800 Guru Qi Xin diajarkan di Xin public.Qi merupakan penduduk provinsi Zhejiang, tapi itu aktif di seluruh Hebei, Henan, Shanxi dan Shandong provinces.During saat Kaisar Daoguang (Dinasti Qing, 1821-1850), Qi Guru diletakkan dalam masalah dengan otoritas lokal negaranya, dan ia melarikan diri dalam County Guan di province.He Hebei bersembunyi dan swasta bekerja untuk keluarga Yin kaya, sangat kuat di distrik administratif Liulihe.

Selama tinggal dengan keluarga Yin, Qi Guru tidak pernah dibuat untuk melihat kemampuannya dalam seni bela diri, hingga yang tidak harus berjuang melawan keluarga Du, lain klan kuat yang berperang melawan keluarga Yin untuk kontrol dari bisnis di lokal bring.Using tongkat panjang, Qi mengalahkan banyak adversaries.Accordingly, dia disambut oleh banyak orang sebagai Teacher.Many besar masyarakat diminta kemudian dia untuk mengajarkan seni Tongbei.Later nya siswa mereka membawa Tongbei di kota-kota besar Utara, termasuk Beijing dan Tianjing.The metode Qi terbagi dalam dua gaya yang disebut tua Qi (Lao Qi Pai) dan muda Qi (Shao Qi Pai). Dalam gaya Qi lama, metode pelatihan Qi Xin asli dipertahankan, dengan gerakan yang lebih besar dan lebih keras. Dalam gaya Qi muda, anaknya Qi Taichang diubah metode, gerakan lebih lembut dan lebih rinci dan fluid.Accordingly, semua cabang tambahan dikembangkan oleh kedua metode, termasuk Wuxing (lima elemen) Tongbei dan Wuyuan (lima monyet) Tongbei.Today di Cina Utara, gaya Qi telah tersebar luas dan telah cukup berpengaruh di banyak tempat, khususnya ke Beijing, Tianjing, dan di daerah Hebei. Dalam County Guan mana Qi Xin mulai mengajarkan Tongbei mereka masih banyak profesional dari Tongbei. Di Beijing dan Tianjing, banyak magang Tongbeiquan dapat ditemukan.

Pada abad kedua puluh, Xiu Jianchi pergi ke Shenyang (timur laut Beijing) dan mengajar style.He membuat banyak perubahan dan menciptakan banyak bentuk-bentuk baru.
Saat ia menggunakan konsep Wuxing (lima unsur) untuk menjelaskan gaya, banyak orang menyebutnya cabang Wuxing Tongbeiquan.Today kelompoknya sangat besar dan populer di Cina timur laut.

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