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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Qin Qian Shaolin souht -2


This knowledge came from the temple shaolin and including four power knowledge in shaolin that in brought developed in shaolin fujian before being burnt by the Ching troops and spreading all through china south by five ancestors.This step must be trained in the calm place and place clean.
Could be carried out the morning, in the afternoon and tonight.
But must before eating dinner/one hour after eating.
For parents that body weak/the lowland recovered was seriously ill, conversely the exercise every day by carrying out the first step up until one length month.
After having the physical progress just trained the second step for one week and was continued by the third step for one new week the week of the four fourth steps.
Each exercise was carried out half of the hour up until two hours of each one of his

The movement of this step was carried out like along with:
A. the concentration of all the spirit in each movement that was carried out.
B. the movement must in rhythm by means of breathing that was determined.
C. must exactly/the concentration in distributing the power to the body part that was meant in the guidance of the step.
D. initially the channelling of the power was carried out in a slow manner without causing the surprise and when carrying out hundreds of times could be carried out suddenly.

This step could also cure the disturbance of the side, the duodenum, the bloated stomach, the stomach, the disturbance of the digestion, the mouth was smelly, Asthma, bronchitis, the swelling lungs, T.b.c, the cough, infulenza hypotension and hypertension, the cold accomplice stiff, rheumatism, weak nerves were sick the waist, narrow blood vessels were hemmed in/colesterol. the kidney illness, dizziness, the migraine, stress, confused thoughts, vibrated and nervous, often daydreamt, was difficult to sleep, ears read, the heart pounded, Impotent, hair fell, anemic, wasir, diabetes, much urine tonight, was difficult to defecate, the narrow chest, bent prawns, piktay (whitish) and was menstruating not be fluent in.

Moreover also could control and improve the characteristics liked angry, dejected, the coward, modesty, lazy and the feeling of the dependence/spoilt.

Ilmu ini berasal dari kuil shaolin dan termasuk empat ilmu tenaga dalam shaolin yang di bawa kembangkan di shaolin fujian sebelum dibakar tentara Ching dan menyebar keseluruh china selatan oleh lima leluhur .

Jurus ini harus dilatih di tempat yang tenang dan berudara bersih . Bisa dilakukan pagi , sore dan malam hari . Tetapi harus sebelum makan malam / satu jam sesudah makan .
Untuk orang tua yang bertubuh lemah / baruh sembuh sakit keras , sebaliknya latihan setiap hari dengan melakukan jurus pertama sampai satu bulan lamanya . Setelah ada kemajuan fisik baru melatih jurus kedua selama satu minggu dan diteruskan jurus ketiga selama satu minggu baru minggu keempat jurus keempat . Tiap latihan dilakukan setengah jam sampai dua jam setiap jurusnya

Gerakan jurus ini dilakukan seperti berikut :
A. Memusatkan seluruh semangat pada tiap gerakan yang sedang dilakukan .
B. Gerakan harus seirama dengan cara pernafasan yang ditentukan .
C. Harus secara tepat / konsentrasi dalam menyalurkan tenaga ke bagian tubuh yang dimaksud dalam petunjuk jurus.
D. Pada awalnya penyaluran tenaga dilakukan secara perlahan-lahan tanpa menimbulkan kejutan dan bila sudah melakukan ratusan kali bisa dilakukan secara tiba-tiba .

Jurus ini bila dilatih dengan tekun dan sungguh-sungguh akan bermanfaat sebagai berikut : Untuk memperpanjang nafas , memperbesar semangat, memperbesar tenaga, memperkuat tulang dan sendi , otot-otot semakin elastis dan kuat , memperlangsing tubuh , memperlambat proses ketuaan , menyehatkan tubuh dan bahkan bisa mempercepat penyembuhan .

Jurus ini juga dapat menyembuhkan gangguan lambung , usus dua belas jari, perut kembung , maag , gangguan pencernaan , mulut bau , Asma, bronchitis, paru-paru bengkak , T.b.c , batuk , pilek dan infulenza tekanan darah rendah maupun darah tinggi , kaki tangan dingin kaku ,pegal-pegal rematik , syaraf lemah sakit pinggang , pembuluh darah sempit terjepit / kolesterol. penyakit ginjal , pusing kepala , migren , stres, pikiran kalut , gentar dan gugup , banyak melamun , sukar tidur , teligagan berbunyi, jantung berdebar , Impotent , rambut rontok , kurang darah , wasir , kenging manis , banyak kencing dimalam hari , sukar buang air besar, dada ciut , bongkok udang, piktay ( keputihan ) dan datang bulan tidak lancar.
Selain itu juga dapat mengendalikan dan memperbaiki sifat suka marah , pemurung, penakut, rendah hati , malas dan rasa ketergantungan / manja.

The series of the first movement:

The first movement:

stood in a relaxed manner distantly foot around 60 cm (erect was open). The right hands -left in bent to the side of front, straight like the picture 1.
The two hands in equated, the eyes gaze at in the future and all the muscles were loosened in the situation lireks, the breath was emptied.

Berdiri secara santai dengan renggang kaki sekitar 60 cm ( tegak terbula ) . Tangan kanan -kiri di bengkokkan kearah depan , lurus seperti gambar 1 . Kedua tangan sejajar , mata memandang ke depan dan semua otot dikendurkan dalam keadaan lireks , nafas dikosongkan.

The second movement:
Gerakan kedua :

Now in a slow manner but together, in foot left to foot right in equated, in rhythm with the pulling of the slow breath through the nose while increasing the thoracic cavity while interesting the two hands behind with the generous palm above and smoked totalling possibly air, along with that slowly focussed the power to upper part arms afterwards kept.

Sekarang secara pelan-pelan tetapi serentak , rapatkan kaki kiri ke kaki kanan seirama dengan penarikan nafas perlahan-lahan melalui hidung sambil membesarkan rongga dada sambil menarik kedua tangan kebelakang dengan telapak tangan terbuka keatas dan hisaplah sebanyak mungkin udara , bersamaan dengan itu pelan-pelan pusatkan tenaga pada lengan bagian atas kemudian tahan .
The third movement:

Gerakan ketiga :

The breath was still being kept on the temporary chest in a slow manner foot left was opened to left was as wide 60 cm, along with that the two hands in tilted in front of the chest. The breath continue to in kept.

Nafas masih ditahan di dada sementara secara perlahan-lahan kaki kiri dibuka ke kiri selebar 60 cm , bersamaan dengan itu kedua tangan di miringkan di depan dada . Nafas tetap di tahan .
The movement of four:
Gerakan 4 :

Unload the two hands that his position was askew in a slow manner.
The method lowered must adhere to ribs and was free from the body after was under the behind.

When unloading the two hands must be accompanied by the taking of the breath again slowly, then kept the breath. Hands fingers that originally were open now in held slowly.
Focus the power to the groin. The location of the upper part body rather bowed and the eyes gaze at in the future. And kept the breath.

Turunkan kedua tangan yang posisinya miring secara perlahan-lahan . Cara menurunkan harus melekat pada tulang rusuk dan lepas dari badan setelah berada di bawah pantat . Pada waktu menurunkan kedua tangan harus diiringi pengambilan nafas lagi secara perlahan-lahan , lalu tahan nafas . Jari-jari tangan yang semula terbuka sekarang di genggamkan perlahan-lahan . Pusatkan tenaga pada selangkangan . Letak badan bagian atas agak membungkuk dan mata memandang ke depan. dan tahan nafas .
The movement to five:
Gerakan ke lima :

We took the breath again a little while lifting the two hand adhered to the two sides kept the breath and focussed the power to upper part arms, the breath was kep

Kita mengambil nafas lagi sedikit sambil mengangkat kedua kepalan melekat pada kedua rusuk tahan nafas dan pusatkan tenaga pada lengan bagian atas , nafas ditahan .


The sixth movement:
Gerakan keenam :

We released the breath while the two arms narrowed the two sides and was continued in the future. The breath was dismissed from the slow mouth.
The two upper part arms still in the position were adhering to the side to the power as well as were distributing the power to underside arms up to the side bank of the two low hands the hands palm rather was pressed down, fingers were open appeared upper, while dismissing all the breaths. 

Kita melepas nafas sambil kedua lengan menyempit kedua rusuk dan diteruskan ke depan .
Nafas dikeluarkan dari mulut perlahan-lahan .
Kedua lengan bagian atas masih dalam posisi melekat pada rusuk dengan tenaga serta menyalurkan tenaga ke lengan bagian bawah sampai dengan tepi sisi kedua tangan yang bawah telapak tangan agak ditekan kebawah , jari-jari terbuka menghadap atas , sambil mengeluarkan semua nafas.

The movement to seven: Gerakan ke tujuh :

Now in a slow manner we hands extension in the position of the hands palm appear before above. Along with that attracted the breath through the slow nose.
The power was centred on to the two shoulders, as lifting the heavy thing, after that kept the breath.

Sekarang secara perlahan-lahan kita merentangkan tangan dalam posisi telapak tangan menghadap ke atas . Bersamaan dengan itu tarik nafas melalui hidung pelan-pelan .
Tenaga dipusatkan pada kedua bahu , seperti mengangkat barang yang berat , setelah itu tahan nafas .
The movement to eight:
Gerakan ke delapan :

Take the breath again while holding the two hands. Focus the power to the two shoulders. Keep the re-breath.
Ambil nafas lagi sambil mengepalkan kedua tangan .
Pusatkan tenaga pada kedua bahu . tahan nafas kembali .

The movement to nine: Gerakan ke sembilan :

Unloaded the two hands palms to the side of the waist, the two elbows was behind and folded the two thumbs hard until the wrist felt the wrist was sick. This movement was accompanied by inhaling in. Then kept was supervised the navel.
Lepaskan nafas dari mulut disertai dengan gerakan telapak tangan berputar secara perlahan-lahan dengan keemapt jari-jari terbuka dan ibu jari ditekuk secara bertenaga ketengah-tengah telapak tangan . seakan-akan kita akan mematahkan pergelangan telapak tangan , sehingga pergelangan kedua telapak tangan akan terasa sakit .
Gerakan ke sepuluh:

Unloaded the two hands palms to the side of the waist, the two elbows was behind and folded the two thumbs hard until the wrist felt the wrist was sick. This movement was accompanied by inhaling in. Then kept was supervised the navel.

Menurunkan kedua telapak tangan kesamping pinggang , kedua siku berada dibelakang dan tekuk kedua ibu jari dengan keras sampai pergelangan tangan merasa linu . Gerakan ini dibarengi dengan menghisap nafas dalam-dalam . Lalu tahan dibawah pusar .

The movement to eleven:
Gerakan ke sebelas:

Now we dismiss the breath from the slow mouth while the two hands in extension we nearby left right the body, so as the two straight hands nearby and fingers of the two hands were opened.
This movement was carried out slowly very much. The issuing of the breath was also carried out slow the thumb finger continued to be folded. Focus the power to all the arm and penetrated at the end fingers.

Sekarang kita mengeluarkan nafas dari mulut perlahan-lahan sambil merentangkan kedua tanagn kita kesamping kiri kanan tubuh , sehingga kedua tangan lurus kesamping dan jari-jari kedua tangan dibuka . Gerakan ini dilakukan secara perlahan sekali . pengeluaran nafas juga dilakukan perlahan jari jempol tetap ditekuk . Pusatkan tenaga pada seluruh lengan dan tembus ke ujung jari-jari .
The movement to twelve:
Gerakan kedua belas :

We took the breath still through the slow nose while slowly and in a powerful manner bent the two arms with the index finger accuse our ears.
Focus the power of the two shoulders. And kept the breath.

Kita mengambil nafas lagi melalui hidung perlahan-lahan sambil secara pelan dan bertenaga menekukkan kedua lengan dengan jari telunjuk menunding telinga kita . Pusatkan tenaga kedua bahu . dan tahan nafas .
The movement to thirteen:
Gerakan ketiga belas :

Now the two hands in extension slowly and the index finger accused above upright and pressed bracelet in a powerful manner while releasing all the breaths.

Repeat the movement of the number of two while sucking the breath and then while dismissing the breath carried out the first movement. and was begun again from the first movement to the movement to thirteen for half of the hour up until two hours.

Sekarang rentangkan kedua tangan secara perlahan dan telunjuk menuding keatas secara tegak dan tekan pergelanggan secara bertenaga sambil melepaskan semua nafas .

Ulangi gerakan nomer dua sambil menyedot nafas dan lalu sambil mengeluarkan nafas lakukan gerakan pertama . dan dimulai lagi dari gerakan pertama sampai gerakan ke tiga belas selam setengah jam sampai dua jam.

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