Ganti Aja Backgroundnya

Tuesday, October 26, 2010



History: Cheng Tinghua (1848-1900), the founder of Cheng style Ba Gua Zhang, studied wrestling in his early years, and learned Bagua Zhuan Zhang from Dong Haichuan at the age of 28. Subsequently, he started teaching in Ha De Men, Beijing, where he formed a system which takes long Zhua Zhang (Dragon Claw Palm) as the basic palm position and includes circular sideways movements and multiple wrestling techniques.

This style is called Cheng style Bagua Zhang. Opposing foreign occupation, Cheng attacked a detachment of a German patrol by himself, and after killing several German soldiers he was shot dead to death.

Sejarah: Cheng Tinghua (1848-1900), pendiri gaya Cheng Ba Gua Zhang, belajar gulat di awal tahun, dan belajar Zhuan Bagua Zhang dari Dong Haichuan pada usia 28. Selanjutnya, ia mulai mengajar di Ha Pria De, Beijing, di mana ia membentuk suatu sistem yang memakan waktu lama Zhua Zhang (Dragon Claw Palm) sebagai posisi kelapa dasar dan termasuk gerakan samping melingkar dan teknik gulat ganda.

Gaya ini disebut gaya Bagua Zhang Cheng. Menentang pendudukan asing, Cheng menyerang sebuah detasemen patroli Jerman sendiri, dan setelah membunuh beberapa prajurit Jerman dia ditembak mati sampai mati.

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