Went like on sand.
Stood like the gold statue.
Jumped like the sky stone fell.
Struck like lightning snatched.
Kicked like the arrow was free from the bow.
Ward off like the god's great shield.
Breathed like the dragon turtle in the foundation of the ocean.
The enemy went up we remained like the gold bell.
The enemy retreated we went up like the shadow.
Seen generally: body skin like the steel, all the body looked balanced, the step foot was seen tengelam and heavy, the palm foot straight. breathed very slow as not breathing.
The exercise method generally:
Considered horses that were accompanied by the movement of the hands and breathing, important carried out the movement until ten thousand times as well as dilakuakna without menganti the position.Rare resistance was carried out if not endangering the vital point.
, because also trained the body like the steel.The blow was two that one trained the iron blow and so on to train the long-distance blow.The kick was the same as the south kick outside but rare was carried out.The attack menungu the opponent came and afterwards attacked returned/attacked the opponent with the high speed so as the opponent was not ready.
Breathing with stomach breathing.The exercise method kept the blow and the hard object blow and was trained in a manner several stages from the massage to the bladed weapon attack. from pengunakan the muscle to like the rubber ball .seperti armour, the gold bell, the ball chi the patron et cetera.
The destroyer's method: had two iron palms and the destroyer of the foundation and bones.
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