History: Sil Lum Fut Gar Kuen, (its full name) is one of the oldest styles in the Shaolin system. Based on efficiency, it uses the simplest moves from the five major southern styles of Shaolin, Lau, Li, Mok, Hung and Choy. Fut Gar is based on constantly maintaining proper balance and executing movements with lightning speed that, in turn, creates penetrating power.
Its hand forms are from the southern roots, while its footwork and kicks come from northern Shaolin style. Fut Gar also contains five different animal styles: the dragon, tiger, leopard, snake and crane. The dragon cultivates the spirit, the tiger trains the bones, the leopard develops strength, the snake cultivates chi and the crane strengthens the sinews.
One notable Fut Gar was Lum Tai Yong, a Taoist priest raised in southern Shaolin monastery. Born in 1895, he was the youngest person to complete his training at the monastery, and he eventually became a bodyguard for Dr Sun Yat Sen. When Lum moved to Hawaii in 1933 he brought Fut Gar with him to the United States.
Bentuk tangan nya adalah dari akar selatan, sedangkan gerak kaki dan tendangan berasal dari gaya Shaolin utara. Fut Gar juga mengandung lima gaya binatang yang berbeda: naga, harimau, macan tutul, ular dan crane. Naga berkultivasi roh, harimau kereta tulang, macan tutul mengembangkan kekuatan, ular memupuk chi dan derek memperkuat urat.
Satu menonjol Fut Gar adalah Lum Tai Yong, seorang pendeta Tao dibesarkan di biara Shaolin selatan. Lahir pada tahun 1895, ia adalah orang termuda untuk menyelesaikan pelatihan di biara, dan ia akhirnya menjadi pengawal untuk Dr Sun Yat Sen Ketika Lum pindah ke Hawaii pada tahun 1933 ia membawa Fut Gar dengan dia ke Amerika Serikat.
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