Ketika orang manchu mendirikan Dinasti Qing mendorong kung fu dalam ketentaraan tetapi melarang perkembangan kung fu dikalangan orang sipil .Pada saat itu banuak jenderal dan asminisator mancuria yang merupakan ahli kung fu .
masyarakat china mempertahankan praktek kung fu disekolah pribadi dengan penekanan latihan pertarungan individu , pertempuran tanpa senjata , jurus untuk ksehatan maupun untuk demontrasi. aspek yang lain yang terkait degan peperangan diabaikan . Evolusi bertahap ini menghasilkan konsep kung fu sekarang ini.
Tetapi ada masyarakat lain yang menentang Dinasti Qing mendirikan kelompok-kelompok rahasia untuk mengulingkan Qing dan mendirikan Ming kembali .seperti contohnya : perkumpulan teratai putih, Sektev delapan diagram, Prinsip kedewaan , perkumpulan surga dan bumi, sekte bulan dan matahari, sekte sembilan rumah besar, perkumpulan bunga merah , dan sebagainya.
Para pejuangan tersebut sering bersembunyi dan melatih kung fu mereka di kuil-kuil buddah dan taoisme sehingga sering kali dalam upaya mencari para pejuangan tersebut dengan menghancurkan kuil-kuil tersebut. Biara shaolin juga tidak luput dari penyerangan tentara manchu . disamping dituduh sebagai tempat para pejuangan juga berdasarkan kejengkelan kaisar terhadap para biksu shaolin , Diawali pada saat Kaisar Kang shi dalam menghadapi perampok disebelah barat daerah kekuasaan yang baru meminta para bantuan sukarelawan untuk menghancurka para perampok tersebut karena berulang kali tentara manchu yang
dikirimkan dihancurkan .Simpati kepada kesusahaan rakyat akibat gangguan perampok tersebut ketua biksu Shaolin Fujian ( Chen Kwan Tat) menawarkan 128 biksu shaolin fujian dan dengan bersenjatakan tongkat besi dalam waktu kurang dari tiga bulan dapat menghancurkan dan membasmi gerombolan para perampok . atas jasa tersebut kaisar memberikan jabatan resmi kepada Cheng Kwan Tat . Tetapi ditolak dengan sopan dan kembali ke biara Shaolin . Akibat penolakan tersebut timbul kecurigaan dan kekawartiran kaisar dan ditambah provokasi kedua menterinya yang memprofokasi .Kaisar setuju dan langsung memerintahkan penyerangan kepada shaolin fujian . Pada awalnya para biksu berhasil menahan dan menghancurkan tentara mancu., tetapi dengan bala tentara yang lebih besar dan kuat Shaolin fujian berhasil dihancurka dan membunuh hampir sebagian biksu . kecuali lima biksu yang berhasik lolos dan mereka ini disebut lima nenek moyang . Melarikan diri dan berbaur dengan masyarakat umum ke selatan serta menyebarkan ilmu shaolin yang selama ini dirahasiakan . Tetapi ketika kaisar sadar akan kesalahannya ia mengeluarkan platkat bagi biara shaolin hunan sebagai kuil agung. Tetapi akibat pembunuhan kaisar kedua Qing . Kuil-kuil shaolin diserang kembali dan dibakar atas perintah kaisar ketiga Qing. tetapi pada abad kedelapanbelas dibagun kembali biara shaolin oleh kaisar chien lung.
Akibat pembakaran tersebut banyak biksu shaolin yang hijerah dan menyembunyikan idetitas dan menjadi rakyat biasa serta ikut dalam pasukan anti Qing .Serta mulai mengajarkan keahlian kepada masyarakat awam dan menyebar ke daerah selatan . Sampai suatu ketika Hung hsi kuan mengadakan pemberontakan yang menelan waktu 14 tahun untuk memadamkan . Hung shi kuan dibantu organisasi yang lain . Hung hsi kuan dapat merebut nanking dalam waktu 3tahun sejak deklarasi revolusi terbuka di tahun 1850. Perkumpulan tiga serangkai dapat mengendalikan Shanghai dan Amoy mengepung canton. Pemberontaan Hung hsi kuan dikenal dengan pemberontakan Tai ping . Hung menerapkan latihan yang efeksien dan mengunakan latihan tombok dan pedang serta latihan tangan kosong yang dikenal dengan hung gar. Dengan latihan yang efektivitas pasukan hung dapat mengendalikan sebagian china dan membuat kerugian Qing yang kehilangan 20000 tentaranya dan hancurnya ratusan mil persegi kawasan pertanian . Kehebatan tentara hung ini hanya dapat diredam oleh pasukan gabungan qing yang dipimpin oleh Li hung chang dan pasukan gabungan tentara asing yang dibawah pimpinan jenderal gordon .
Kekalahan pemberontak taiping menyadarka para pengikut Ming bahwa selama bangsa asing dari barat masih ada bangsa manchu sulit dikalahkan . maka disusunlah skala prioritas dengan megusir bangsa asing kelaut dengan perginya bangsa asing kelaut akan membuat dinasti Qing hancur dengan sendirinya ..
Dalam kebencian dari bangsa asing dan balas dendam inilah para ahli kung fu bergabung menciptakan aliran kung fu baru dengan nama I Ho Quan (Tinju dan keadilan yang harmonis) . Di deklarasikan diprovensi Shantung selama musim semi 1898. Dibulan juli 1900 memuncak dengan tibanya bala bantuan dari ingris, amerika dan jepang yang berakhir dengan pembantaian ribuan pejuang tersebut oleh persenjataan barat yang moderen dan lebih kuat.
Periode Qing sangat penting dalam perkembangan aliran utara internal . Banyak bangsawan dan pengawal kerajaan yang berlatih Ba gua, Tai chi dan Xing yi . Sedangkan di China selatan kung fu Shaolin bertahan. Tetapi pada saat tentara mancuria menyerbu Shaolin Fujian menyebabkan para guru Shaolin berpencar ke pronfensi Guan Dong , hong kong , asia tengara dan amerika.
Pada waktu masa jaman pra tuan tanah . Shi Yoo San mengirm pasukan untuk membakar biara Shaolin Song Shan . Api berkobar selama 40 hari lebih , menghanguskan sebagian besar gedung utama dan barang peninggalan,Setelah berakhirnya perang dunia dua dan komunis berhasil menguasai daratan China banyak ahli kung fu melarikan diri ke taiwan bersama Chiang Kai Shek, ada yang ke hong kong / ke pos-pos yang didirikan masyarakat china yang datang dahulu.
Pada tahun 1949 Biara Shaolin diperbaiki dan dilindungi oleh pemerintah China . Di tahun 1976 Pemerintah China menganti kebijaksanan tentang kebudayaan china. Ditandai dengan pembentuan komisi kerja ditingkat nasional ,propinsi maupun distrik untuk mempelajari dan mempromasikan kung fu China dan menganti nama kung fu /Guo shu menjadi Whu shu dan mebagi kung fu china menjadi beberapa aliran sambil tetap memnpertahankan kung fu tradisonal.
Berbagai buku yang memberi informasi berharga tentang Whusu di terbitkan dan turnamen Whusu nasional dan internasional diadakan .Melihat hal ini banyak ahli kung fu china di dunia kembali ke China / membagi informasi kung fu china . Di dunia internasional kung fu china dipopulerkan oleh Bruce lee dan di teruskan oleh jacky chen dan jet lee .
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Friday, January 18, 2008
Dinasti Ming mewakili tanda penting dalam perkembangan kung fu china . Di masa ini perbedaan antara bela diri dan aspek demontrasi menjadi lebih jelas .Di satu sisi banyak jenderal Ming yang menggunakan Kung fu sebagai bagian penting dan terhormat dalam latihan militer, dengan kompetasi yang teratur bagi tentara , Disisi lain seniman Wu yi profesional menggapnya srbagai seni pertunjukan dan sering mengkombinasikan dengan gerakan kembangan yang mampu menyenangkan penonton. istilah " Pukulan kembangan dan tendangan sulaman "' sering digunakan untuk menggambarkan jenis gerakan hiasan, yang menjadikan gerakan yang dilatih menjadi tidak efektif untuk tujuan pertempuran.
Perbedaan antara kung fu exsternal dan internal pada awalnya disebutkan dalam periode dinasti Ming. Huang Zhong Yi berkata " Kung fu Shaolin yang terkenal di dunia dan digunakan untuk bertarung .Tetapi itu adalah Kung fu luar (eksternal), sedangkan kung fu dalam (internal) menekankan pada ketenangan terhadap yang bergerak diwakili oleh pendeta Tao zhang feng dari dinasti Song. Pakar kung fu terkanal Zhang Song Xi berkata " Ada dua aliran kung fu yakni eksternal dan internal .Yang paling terkenal dari aliran luar adalah kung fu Shaolin yang dimaksudkan untuk menyerang. kung fu dalam dimaksudkan pertahanan dan lembut.
Banyak buku kung fu yang penting ditulis selama periode Ming . Beberapa karya terbesar yang masih digunakan sebagai referensi saat ini adalah koleksi dari Gudang kebenaran karya Yu Da you. buku tentang disiplin karya Mao yuan yi . Semua penulis tersebut merupakan jenderal besar yang juga ahli kung fu . buku-buku ini tidak hanya menjelaskan berbagi tipe kung fu mutahir tetapi juga mengemukakan masalah penting tentang peperangan . merupakan refleksi dari hubungan erat antara kung fu dan urusan militer pada waktu itu.
Selama periode Ming penyebarab Kung fu china ke hampir seluruh dunia dimulai . Di telusuri dari adanya utusan-utusan perdamaian Dinasti Ming di berbagai negara bekas jajahan dinasti Yuan (mongolia ). Dari daratan mulai jalur timur dari Korea sampai Rusia. Dari jalur barat dari tibet ke Turki dan spanyol . Dari jalur selatan melalui sepanjang jalur sutra sampai ke india.Dari laut ada tiga kali perjalanan laut yang dipimpin laksamana Jing hao (Sam po kong ) .Perjalanan pertama dilautan kearah timur ke Jepang. Di jepang banyak ahli kung fu china yang datang .Salah satu penyebar kung fu ke Jepang adalah Chen Yuan Bin (1619). Tiba di jepang mengajarkan kung fu shaolin dan meletakan dasar bagi Jujitsu. Perjalanan kedua dilautan kearah selatan dari Birma, muangthai, malaka, sumatra, jawa. bali ,sulawesi dan kalimantan terus kembali lagi ke china. Perjalanan ketiga dari brima terus ke malaka dan melewati selat malaka sampai keindia dan diteruskan ke afrika selatan dan di sanalah laksamana jing hao sakit dan wafat.
Utusan-utusan ini adalah jendral yang ahli kung fu dan membawa pasukan khusus sebagai pelindung .dan pasukan khusus ini adalah ahli-ahli kung fu . Di setiap tempat yang di datangi didirikan pos-pos perdagangan . Sebagai pos-pos perdagangan juga difungsikan sebagai pos perbekalan dan peristirahatan . Yang tentu saja pos-pos ini di jaga oleh para komandan prajurit yang setia dan ahli dalam kung fu .Dan sekarang ini pos-pos itu menjadi tempat ajaran filsafat dan kebudayan china.
Perbedaan antara kung fu exsternal dan internal pada awalnya disebutkan dalam periode dinasti Ming. Huang Zhong Yi berkata " Kung fu Shaolin yang terkenal di dunia dan digunakan untuk bertarung .Tetapi itu adalah Kung fu luar (eksternal), sedangkan kung fu dalam (internal) menekankan pada ketenangan terhadap yang bergerak diwakili oleh pendeta Tao zhang feng dari dinasti Song. Pakar kung fu terkanal Zhang Song Xi berkata " Ada dua aliran kung fu yakni eksternal dan internal .Yang paling terkenal dari aliran luar adalah kung fu Shaolin yang dimaksudkan untuk menyerang. kung fu dalam dimaksudkan pertahanan dan lembut.
Banyak buku kung fu yang penting ditulis selama periode Ming . Beberapa karya terbesar yang masih digunakan sebagai referensi saat ini adalah koleksi dari Gudang kebenaran karya Yu Da you. buku tentang disiplin karya Mao yuan yi . Semua penulis tersebut merupakan jenderal besar yang juga ahli kung fu . buku-buku ini tidak hanya menjelaskan berbagi tipe kung fu mutahir tetapi juga mengemukakan masalah penting tentang peperangan . merupakan refleksi dari hubungan erat antara kung fu dan urusan militer pada waktu itu.
Selama periode Ming penyebarab Kung fu china ke hampir seluruh dunia dimulai . Di telusuri dari adanya utusan-utusan perdamaian Dinasti Ming di berbagai negara bekas jajahan dinasti Yuan (mongolia ). Dari daratan mulai jalur timur dari Korea sampai Rusia. Dari jalur barat dari tibet ke Turki dan spanyol . Dari jalur selatan melalui sepanjang jalur sutra sampai ke india.Dari laut ada tiga kali perjalanan laut yang dipimpin laksamana Jing hao (Sam po kong ) .Perjalanan pertama dilautan kearah timur ke Jepang. Di jepang banyak ahli kung fu china yang datang .Salah satu penyebar kung fu ke Jepang adalah Chen Yuan Bin (1619). Tiba di jepang mengajarkan kung fu shaolin dan meletakan dasar bagi Jujitsu. Perjalanan kedua dilautan kearah selatan dari Birma, muangthai, malaka, sumatra, jawa. bali ,sulawesi dan kalimantan terus kembali lagi ke china. Perjalanan ketiga dari brima terus ke malaka dan melewati selat malaka sampai keindia dan diteruskan ke afrika selatan dan di sanalah laksamana jing hao sakit dan wafat.
Utusan-utusan ini adalah jendral yang ahli kung fu dan membawa pasukan khusus sebagai pelindung .dan pasukan khusus ini adalah ahli-ahli kung fu . Di setiap tempat yang di datangi didirikan pos-pos perdagangan . Sebagai pos-pos perdagangan juga difungsikan sebagai pos perbekalan dan peristirahatan . Yang tentu saja pos-pos ini di jaga oleh para komandan prajurit yang setia dan ahli dalam kung fu .Dan sekarang ini pos-pos itu menjadi tempat ajaran filsafat dan kebudayan china.
text indonesia
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Monday, January 14, 2008
Dinasti Tang menyatukan china dan memakmurkan china dan menabah daerah kekuasaannya dan pengaruhnya memasuki Kasmir dan india utara dan terus berkembang sampai persia , karena kekuasaan yang sangat besar maka rakyatnya menyebut dirinya Tang ren ( orang tang ) / tang lang . Sebutan ini pun masih di pakai hingga kini .
Ujian bela diri dalam kerajaan dipakai untuk memilih prajurit tangguh yang dipergunakan untuk mempertahankan negara tang . kaisar wu memperkenalkan ujian bela diri yang diselanggarakan mulai dari distrik , propensi sampai timgkat nasional dan dilakukan secara teratur . Bahan ujian meliputi pertempuaran diatas kuda , pertarungan ditanah , teknik tombak , penggunaan berbagai senjata , panahan diatas kuda dan di tanah , angkat berat hingga strategi militer .
Pada masa awal tang berdiri ada panglima dinasti Tang yang terkenal ahli kung fu yang bernama Shin ji kwea yang merupakan ahli senjata tombak yang bercagak dan tenaga luar dan dalamnya sangat hebat . Dia dan keturunanya membantu dinasti Tang sampai tiga generasi sampai ditulis dalam novel.
Pada jaman dinasti Tang , Kung fu diambil untuk tarian dan diperagakan oleh gadis-gadis cantik dan diabadikan dalam lukisan karya Wu dao Zi dan ahli kaligrafi zhang xu yang hidup pada jaman dinasti Tang sangat diinspirasikan oleh tarian pedang yang mereka lihat.
Pada masa itu olah raga tinju dan gulat sangat digemari masyarakat . Dikembangkan berbagai jenis gulat yang dikenal dengan Xiang pu ( Pertempuran menanduk ) dan Jue Li ( kekuatan tempur ) konstetan tidak memakai apapun kecuali Cawat dan ikat kepala , Dengan begitu lawan tidak dapat menarik kerah baju dan lengan baju lawan untuk menjatuhkan lawan . Sehingga teknik utama yang dilakukan adalah menanduk dan mendorong dengan berat badan , olah raga ini merupakan cikal bakal sumo dari jepang.
Biara Sholin menjadi biara utama pada dinasti tang , sampai ketua Shaolin diangkat sebagai guru negara . Ini di sebabkan bantuan Sholin pada waktu awal berdirinya tang oleh Li she ming . Pada waktu itu Li Shi ming terdesak dan bersembunyi di Shaolin dari kejaran Wang Ren tee. Pada waktu wang akan mengancam membakar dan membunuh para biksu Shaolin bila tidak menyerahkan Li she ming hingga batas waktu ditetapkan . tetapi para biksu shaolin tidak menyerahkan karena Li she ming telah pergi meninggalkan shaolin . maka untuk mencegah pertumpahan darah ketua biksu shaolin rela mengorbankan diri , namun demikian akhirnya pertempuran tidak dapat di cegah lagi antara biksu shaolin dengan tentara wang .
Pada saat itu tentara bantuan Li she ming datang dan membantu para biksu shaolin , tetapi selama pertempuran itu terjadi banyak biksu shaolin yang tewas dan sebagai penghargaan Li she ming memberikan lebih dari 600 ha tanha dengan bangunan yang memiliki 5000 ruang lebih , selain itu diberikan pula hak istimewa kepada para biksu shaolin untuk mencatat kepahlawanan diatas pagoda .
pada masa itu biara shaolin mencapai puncak kejayaannya ada 1000 biksu lebih dan pembagian kerja serta sistem keprajuritan diterapkan . Berhektar-hektar tanah garapan dengan 1000 aula lebih , menara , pagoda dan paviliun . Pembagian tugas , tingkatan dan grup serta sistim ujian dan kedisiplinan .
Di biara shaolin pada waktu itu juga dibentuk prajurit biksu . ada lebih dari 500 prajurit biksu dan diciptakan 18 formasi tongkat shaolin , 38 formasi jurus shaolin , 72 cara berlatih . 18 manusia tembaga dan 4 jenderal chi kung yang mewakili empat cara berlatih tenaga dalam shaolin . Dengan populernya biara shaolin banyak para ahli kung fu dan orang awam bergabung . Dengan banyaknya para ahli bela diri bergabung menambah banyaknya jurus-jurus kung fu dibiara shaolin dan dibentuknya perpustakan yang mencatat berbagai pengetahuan dan ilmu disegala bidang dan sampai mencapai ribuan buku . Serta diutusnya seorang biksu shaolin ke india untuk mencari kitap suci budha yang asli , kisah perjalanan itu dibuat novel perjalanan barat yang dikisahkan seorang biksu dikawal tiga manusia aneh yang mempunyai kung fu tinggi.
Setelah jatuhnya Dinasti Tang china lembali ke jaman peperangan yang terus=menerus yang menyebabkan rakyat tang pergi keluar daerah tang . Jaman itu disebut jaman lima dinasti . Pada tahun 907 Dinasti Tang jatuh digantikan Dinasti Liang, tetapi Dinasti Liang hanya bertahan 16 tahun dan digantikan Dinasti Tang pada tahun 923 . Tetapi pada tahun 936 Dinasti tang diserbu Dinasti Jin tetapi pada tahun 947 Dinasti jin diserang Dinasti han , pada tahun 951 Dinasti han diserbu oleh dinasti zhou . Di utara Dinasti Liao ( 916-1125) yang sangat kuat berdiri menduduki daerah Dinasti Tang di utara .
Ujian bela diri dalam kerajaan dipakai untuk memilih prajurit tangguh yang dipergunakan untuk mempertahankan negara tang . kaisar wu memperkenalkan ujian bela diri yang diselanggarakan mulai dari distrik , propensi sampai timgkat nasional dan dilakukan secara teratur . Bahan ujian meliputi pertempuaran diatas kuda , pertarungan ditanah , teknik tombak , penggunaan berbagai senjata , panahan diatas kuda dan di tanah , angkat berat hingga strategi militer .
Pada masa awal tang berdiri ada panglima dinasti Tang yang terkenal ahli kung fu yang bernama Shin ji kwea yang merupakan ahli senjata tombak yang bercagak dan tenaga luar dan dalamnya sangat hebat . Dia dan keturunanya membantu dinasti Tang sampai tiga generasi sampai ditulis dalam novel.
Pada jaman dinasti Tang , Kung fu diambil untuk tarian dan diperagakan oleh gadis-gadis cantik dan diabadikan dalam lukisan karya Wu dao Zi dan ahli kaligrafi zhang xu yang hidup pada jaman dinasti Tang sangat diinspirasikan oleh tarian pedang yang mereka lihat.
Pada masa itu olah raga tinju dan gulat sangat digemari masyarakat . Dikembangkan berbagai jenis gulat yang dikenal dengan Xiang pu ( Pertempuran menanduk ) dan Jue Li ( kekuatan tempur ) konstetan tidak memakai apapun kecuali Cawat dan ikat kepala , Dengan begitu lawan tidak dapat menarik kerah baju dan lengan baju lawan untuk menjatuhkan lawan . Sehingga teknik utama yang dilakukan adalah menanduk dan mendorong dengan berat badan , olah raga ini merupakan cikal bakal sumo dari jepang.
Biara Sholin menjadi biara utama pada dinasti tang , sampai ketua Shaolin diangkat sebagai guru negara . Ini di sebabkan bantuan Sholin pada waktu awal berdirinya tang oleh Li she ming . Pada waktu itu Li Shi ming terdesak dan bersembunyi di Shaolin dari kejaran Wang Ren tee. Pada waktu wang akan mengancam membakar dan membunuh para biksu Shaolin bila tidak menyerahkan Li she ming hingga batas waktu ditetapkan . tetapi para biksu shaolin tidak menyerahkan karena Li she ming telah pergi meninggalkan shaolin . maka untuk mencegah pertumpahan darah ketua biksu shaolin rela mengorbankan diri , namun demikian akhirnya pertempuran tidak dapat di cegah lagi antara biksu shaolin dengan tentara wang .
Pada saat itu tentara bantuan Li she ming datang dan membantu para biksu shaolin , tetapi selama pertempuran itu terjadi banyak biksu shaolin yang tewas dan sebagai penghargaan Li she ming memberikan lebih dari 600 ha tanha dengan bangunan yang memiliki 5000 ruang lebih , selain itu diberikan pula hak istimewa kepada para biksu shaolin untuk mencatat kepahlawanan diatas pagoda .
pada masa itu biara shaolin mencapai puncak kejayaannya ada 1000 biksu lebih dan pembagian kerja serta sistem keprajuritan diterapkan . Berhektar-hektar tanah garapan dengan 1000 aula lebih , menara , pagoda dan paviliun . Pembagian tugas , tingkatan dan grup serta sistim ujian dan kedisiplinan .
Di biara shaolin pada waktu itu juga dibentuk prajurit biksu . ada lebih dari 500 prajurit biksu dan diciptakan 18 formasi tongkat shaolin , 38 formasi jurus shaolin , 72 cara berlatih . 18 manusia tembaga dan 4 jenderal chi kung yang mewakili empat cara berlatih tenaga dalam shaolin . Dengan populernya biara shaolin banyak para ahli kung fu dan orang awam bergabung . Dengan banyaknya para ahli bela diri bergabung menambah banyaknya jurus-jurus kung fu dibiara shaolin dan dibentuknya perpustakan yang mencatat berbagai pengetahuan dan ilmu disegala bidang dan sampai mencapai ribuan buku . Serta diutusnya seorang biksu shaolin ke india untuk mencari kitap suci budha yang asli , kisah perjalanan itu dibuat novel perjalanan barat yang dikisahkan seorang biksu dikawal tiga manusia aneh yang mempunyai kung fu tinggi.
Setelah jatuhnya Dinasti Tang china lembali ke jaman peperangan yang terus=menerus yang menyebabkan rakyat tang pergi keluar daerah tang . Jaman itu disebut jaman lima dinasti . Pada tahun 907 Dinasti Tang jatuh digantikan Dinasti Liang, tetapi Dinasti Liang hanya bertahan 16 tahun dan digantikan Dinasti Tang pada tahun 923 . Tetapi pada tahun 936 Dinasti tang diserbu Dinasti Jin tetapi pada tahun 947 Dinasti jin diserang Dinasti han , pada tahun 951 Dinasti han diserbu oleh dinasti zhou . Di utara Dinasti Liao ( 916-1125) yang sangat kuat berdiri menduduki daerah Dinasti Tang di utara .
text indonesia
Saturday, January 12, 2008
B2. DINASTI HAN (207 SM-220M)
Dinasti Han dibagi menjadi han barat (207 sm -25 sm) dan han timur (25 sm -220 m). Didirikan oleh Liu bang setelah berhasil menumbangkan dinasti Qin dan menang dalam persaingan dari Hang I (Chu pa wang) .Istilah Wu Yi pertama kali muncul pada dinasti Han. Istilah Wu Yi tetap merupakan isilah paling populer untuk kung fu. Pada waktu itu Wu Yi meliputi pertarungan yanpa senjata , Pertarungan dengan senjata , Latihan rangkaian gerakan dan latihan berpasangan. Olah raga tinju dan gulat sangatlah terkenal .
Karena dorongan kaisar Han wu ti . Kaisar yang sangat dikenal untuk ekspensi meliter han.Dalam catatan Dinasti han menunjukan bahwa konsestan tinju hanya memakai celana pendek sebagaimana petinju moderen. tetapi tidak mengunakan pelindung tangan dan tidak ada batasan untuk keselamatan. Pertandingan gulat lebih aman . konsestan tidak diperbolehkan memukul dan menendang menang kalah ditentukan oleh angka yang dikumpulkan saat konsestan berhasil mendorong lawan ketanah .Permainan pedang sangat populer dan dihargai . Baik pejuang dan cendikiawan maupun ilmuwan terlibat dalam latihan pedang , Dan juga tarian pedang yang ditampilkan oleh gadis cantik. Sering sekali diadakan di berbagai demontrasi dengan pedang sebagai senjata utama.
Pada jaman han timur ada seorang tabib bernama Hua tuo menyatakan bahwa " Tubuh manusia membutuhkan latihan yang terus-menerus dan teratur membantu pencernaan ,merangsang peredaran darah dan membentuk tubuh tahan dari penyakit. Diciptakan Wu Cin Sin (latihan lima hewan ).
Diakhir dinasti Han timur , terjadi pemberontaan rakyat yang dikenal dengan daster kuning dengan dukungan para kasim di istan Han timur . Para gubenur mengirim kekuatan menumpas pemberontaan, tetapi setelah pemberonta ditumpas . Para kasim yang ikut mendukung pemberontakan ditumpas dan setelah itu terjadi perang antara gubenur dan bangsawan yang mengangap kaisar lemah. Banyak panglima perang yang disegani contohnya Lu bu menjadi panglima terkuat dijaman sm kok karena peristiwa San Zhan Lu Bu yakni pertempuran antara Lu Bu dengan Tritunggal (Lui bei, Guan yu dan Zhang fei ) . Lu Bu yang mengunakan tombak bercabang mampu melawan Lui bei yang mengunakan pedang kembar , Guan yu yang mengunakan tongkat golok yang terkenal hebat dan Zhang fei menggunakan tombak lidah ular. Lu bu dapat menandingi Tri tunggal karena yeknik kelemasan dan menghindari yang kuat dan menyerang yang lemah ,serta lui bei , guan yu dan zhang fei ingin cepat-cepat menggalahkan Lu bu.
Akhir pertikian para gubenur itu . Terbentuknya Sam Kok (tiga negara) .
(1) WEI yang mengantikan Han timur didirikan oleh Chou chou miskipun Chou Chou sendiri tidak pernah menjadi raja wie.
(2) SHU HAn yang didirikan Lui bei dibantu Zhuge Liang dan Lima jenderal harimau (Guan Yu, Zhang Fei ,Zhan yu, Ma chao dan Huang chung.
(3) TUNG Wu didirikan oleh Sun Quan yang merupakan cicit buyut dari sun tzu.
Akhir pertikian jaman sam kuo ini wei tidak dapat menguasai shu dan wu. shu han tidak dapat menyatukan wilayah han timur yang merupakan leluhurnya karena sepeninggal Zhuge liang tidak ada penerus yang baik dikerajaan Shu Han. dan tung wu yang dipimpin oleh sun quan yang mengandalkan daerah yang strategis tidak dapat merebut seluruh china . Akhirnya seluruh china jatuh ditangam Sze Ma Se dengan memakai nama negara jin.
Setelah jatuhnya Han timur dan Berakhirnya jaman Sam Kuo Berdirinya Dinasti jin (221M-534M) dibagi menjadi dua jin . jin yang pertama disebut jin barat karena berpusat di peking dan jin timur yang berpusat di nengking akibat serangan lima suku asing. Selama masa itu gerakan menggunaka senjat dan tanpa senjata digabungkan untuk membentuk rangkaian jurus . Tujuannya adalah untuk menungkinkan para praktisi mengingatgerkan dengan lebih baik . Rangkain jurus yang seringkali ditampilkan untuk demontrasi dibedakan dengan yang digunakan untuk keperluan bertarung . Di samping itu ada perbedaan dalam pelatihan seni beladiri antara praktek rangkaian jurus tunggal dan berpasangan .
Dinasti Jin tidak bertahan lama usianya karena timbulnya kerusuhan yang dikenal dengan WU DUA. Dalam kekacauan ini tidak sedikit orang hebat namun tidak begitu ternama . Kekacauan yang ditimbulkan oleh lima suku asing . Terjadilah jaman dinasti utara dan dinasti selatan .
Pada tahun 386 WEI utara berdiri dibarat dan pada tahun 420 menyerang jin barat yang megakibatkan Ibukota jin pindah ketimur . Pada tahun 534 WEI utara terjadi perang antar bangsawan . Terpecahlah wei utara menjadi dua WEI timur (534-550) dan WEI barat (535-556). WEI timur digantikan oleh Qi utara (550-557) dan WEI barat digantikan Zhou utara . Pada tahun 557 Dinasti utara disatukan oleh Zhou utara setelah Qi utara kalah. Dan pada tahun 581 Zhou utara digantikan oleh dinasti SUI (581-618).
Diselatan berdirilah dinasti Song (420-479). Dan pada tahun 479 digantikan Dinasti Qi . Pada tahun 502 diganti oleh dinasti Liang .dan pada tahun 557 direbut oleh dinasti Chen dan pada tahun 589 Dinasti Chen diserang Sui di utara dan berakhirlah Jaman dinasti Utara dan Dinasti selatan. Dinasti Sui tidak bertahan lama karena memerintah dengan tangan besi dan kejam , dan akibatnya timbuk pemberontakan 18 raja-raja muda (Se Pa Lu Huan Wang ) .Pada jaman ini banyak sekali panglima perang yang ahli kung fu serta ternama , misalnya Li Yuan Pa, Wen Cheng Tu, Pei Yuan Ching, Lao Cheng, Wu Yuan Chao dan lain-lain. Para panglima ini merupakan ahli-ahli kung fu yang mempunyai tenaga kuat sehingga dengan sekali gerakan lawan akan lari . Dalam perang 18 raja-raja muda dimenangkan oleh Li Shi Men dan mendirikan dinasti tang.
Pada jaman jin barat dan jin timur di Shanghai hiduplah Khe hung yang dikenal sebagai tabib yang mempelajari ilmu pernafasan dan pengobatan China yang menerbitkan buku pengobatan terkenal dengan nama Buku Ketabitan kuno China . Yang mengatakan "jika manusia mempraktekan pernafasan sempurna dengan volume besar mereka akan bebas dari penyakit , bilamana mereka sering gerak badan .mereka tidak akan mudah tua . Tubuh manusia berada dalam udara dan udara berada dalam tubuh. Bagi mereka yang mahir dan dapt menguasai teknik pernafasan, selain badannya sehat akan terhindar dari penyakit., serta kuat menahan lapar , ia juga akan mencapai usia panjang."Buku ketabiban kuno china mengatakan bahwa manusia yang bernafas pendek akan berumur pendek. Manusia yang bernafas panjang akan berumur panjang. Bila tubuh manusia di isi penuh dengan udara bersih, maka ia pun akan menjadi sehat dan kebal terhadap penyakit.
Pada tahun 527 biksu Ta Mo (Bodhidharma / Daruma Tai Shi) yang merupakan genarasi ke 28 Budha Sakyumuni (Pendiri agama budha) dan merupakan pelopor ajaran Budha Zen di china melakukan perjalanan jauh dari India , melintasi dataran tengah dan tiba di ibukota Dinasti Liang untuk mengajarkan agama Budha. miskipun ajaran Budha sudah masuk ke China pada abad ke satu / ke dua masehi tetapi watak dasarnya telah berkembang ke arah yang semakin jauh dari ajaran Budha yang sesunguhnya.
miskipun pada waktu itu kaisar Liang Wu telah menganut agama Budha dan telah memerintahkan Texs Budha diperjemahkan dari bahasa sansekerta ke bahasa china, Upaya tersebut ditempuh dengan harapan masyarakat china dapat mempelajari dan menerapkan ajaran Budha . Perkerjaan itu merupakan sebuah karya besar dan di yakini Kaisar Liang Wu sebagai jalan ke surga. Dalam hal ini Ta Mo tidak sepaham dengan pandangan tersebut menurut Ta Mo seorang tidak dapat mencapai tujuannya hanya melalui tindakan baik yang dijalankan oleh orang lain dalam nama besarnya , Bermula perselisihan pendapat tersebut Kaisar menolak doktrin ajaran agama budha dari Ta Mo. Dari situlah diketahui miskipun kaisar Liang sama-sama penganut budha ternyata keyakinan mereka berbeda .
Karena tidak kecocokan di antara mereka . secara diam-diam Ta mo pergi ke utara ke daerah Wei utara melewati sungai Chang Jiang dan pergi ke kuil Shaolin . Ta Mo tidak larut melihat keindahan alam . Tetapi pergi ke sebuah gua yang terletak dilongsoran batu terpencil di puncak Wu ru yang tidak berpenghuni. Disanalah ia bermeditasi menghadap dinding selama sembilan tahun dan berlatih kung fu sampai meningalkankan Bayang-bayang yang tercetak di dinding gua dan disebut rahasia kekal.
Karena dorongan kaisar Han wu ti . Kaisar yang sangat dikenal untuk ekspensi meliter han.Dalam catatan Dinasti han menunjukan bahwa konsestan tinju hanya memakai celana pendek sebagaimana petinju moderen. tetapi tidak mengunakan pelindung tangan dan tidak ada batasan untuk keselamatan. Pertandingan gulat lebih aman . konsestan tidak diperbolehkan memukul dan menendang menang kalah ditentukan oleh angka yang dikumpulkan saat konsestan berhasil mendorong lawan ketanah .Permainan pedang sangat populer dan dihargai . Baik pejuang dan cendikiawan maupun ilmuwan terlibat dalam latihan pedang , Dan juga tarian pedang yang ditampilkan oleh gadis cantik. Sering sekali diadakan di berbagai demontrasi dengan pedang sebagai senjata utama.
Pada jaman han timur ada seorang tabib bernama Hua tuo menyatakan bahwa " Tubuh manusia membutuhkan latihan yang terus-menerus dan teratur membantu pencernaan ,merangsang peredaran darah dan membentuk tubuh tahan dari penyakit. Diciptakan Wu Cin Sin (latihan lima hewan ).
Diakhir dinasti Han timur , terjadi pemberontaan rakyat yang dikenal dengan daster kuning dengan dukungan para kasim di istan Han timur . Para gubenur mengirim kekuatan menumpas pemberontaan, tetapi setelah pemberonta ditumpas . Para kasim yang ikut mendukung pemberontakan ditumpas dan setelah itu terjadi perang antara gubenur dan bangsawan yang mengangap kaisar lemah. Banyak panglima perang yang disegani contohnya Lu bu menjadi panglima terkuat dijaman sm kok karena peristiwa San Zhan Lu Bu yakni pertempuran antara Lu Bu dengan Tritunggal (Lui bei, Guan yu dan Zhang fei ) . Lu Bu yang mengunakan tombak bercabang mampu melawan Lui bei yang mengunakan pedang kembar , Guan yu yang mengunakan tongkat golok yang terkenal hebat dan Zhang fei menggunakan tombak lidah ular. Lu bu dapat menandingi Tri tunggal karena yeknik kelemasan dan menghindari yang kuat dan menyerang yang lemah ,serta lui bei , guan yu dan zhang fei ingin cepat-cepat menggalahkan Lu bu.
Akhir pertikian para gubenur itu . Terbentuknya Sam Kok (tiga negara) .
(1) WEI yang mengantikan Han timur didirikan oleh Chou chou miskipun Chou Chou sendiri tidak pernah menjadi raja wie.
(2) SHU HAn yang didirikan Lui bei dibantu Zhuge Liang dan Lima jenderal harimau (Guan Yu, Zhang Fei ,Zhan yu, Ma chao dan Huang chung.
(3) TUNG Wu didirikan oleh Sun Quan yang merupakan cicit buyut dari sun tzu.
Akhir pertikian jaman sam kuo ini wei tidak dapat menguasai shu dan wu. shu han tidak dapat menyatukan wilayah han timur yang merupakan leluhurnya karena sepeninggal Zhuge liang tidak ada penerus yang baik dikerajaan Shu Han. dan tung wu yang dipimpin oleh sun quan yang mengandalkan daerah yang strategis tidak dapat merebut seluruh china . Akhirnya seluruh china jatuh ditangam Sze Ma Se dengan memakai nama negara jin.
Setelah jatuhnya Han timur dan Berakhirnya jaman Sam Kuo Berdirinya Dinasti jin (221M-534M) dibagi menjadi dua jin . jin yang pertama disebut jin barat karena berpusat di peking dan jin timur yang berpusat di nengking akibat serangan lima suku asing. Selama masa itu gerakan menggunaka senjat dan tanpa senjata digabungkan untuk membentuk rangkaian jurus . Tujuannya adalah untuk menungkinkan para praktisi mengingatgerkan dengan lebih baik . Rangkain jurus yang seringkali ditampilkan untuk demontrasi dibedakan dengan yang digunakan untuk keperluan bertarung . Di samping itu ada perbedaan dalam pelatihan seni beladiri antara praktek rangkaian jurus tunggal dan berpasangan .
Dinasti Jin tidak bertahan lama usianya karena timbulnya kerusuhan yang dikenal dengan WU DUA. Dalam kekacauan ini tidak sedikit orang hebat namun tidak begitu ternama . Kekacauan yang ditimbulkan oleh lima suku asing . Terjadilah jaman dinasti utara dan dinasti selatan .
Pada tahun 386 WEI utara berdiri dibarat dan pada tahun 420 menyerang jin barat yang megakibatkan Ibukota jin pindah ketimur . Pada tahun 534 WEI utara terjadi perang antar bangsawan . Terpecahlah wei utara menjadi dua WEI timur (534-550) dan WEI barat (535-556). WEI timur digantikan oleh Qi utara (550-557) dan WEI barat digantikan Zhou utara . Pada tahun 557 Dinasti utara disatukan oleh Zhou utara setelah Qi utara kalah. Dan pada tahun 581 Zhou utara digantikan oleh dinasti SUI (581-618).
Diselatan berdirilah dinasti Song (420-479). Dan pada tahun 479 digantikan Dinasti Qi . Pada tahun 502 diganti oleh dinasti Liang .dan pada tahun 557 direbut oleh dinasti Chen dan pada tahun 589 Dinasti Chen diserang Sui di utara dan berakhirlah Jaman dinasti Utara dan Dinasti selatan. Dinasti Sui tidak bertahan lama karena memerintah dengan tangan besi dan kejam , dan akibatnya timbuk pemberontakan 18 raja-raja muda (Se Pa Lu Huan Wang ) .Pada jaman ini banyak sekali panglima perang yang ahli kung fu serta ternama , misalnya Li Yuan Pa, Wen Cheng Tu, Pei Yuan Ching, Lao Cheng, Wu Yuan Chao dan lain-lain. Para panglima ini merupakan ahli-ahli kung fu yang mempunyai tenaga kuat sehingga dengan sekali gerakan lawan akan lari . Dalam perang 18 raja-raja muda dimenangkan oleh Li Shi Men dan mendirikan dinasti tang.
Pada jaman jin barat dan jin timur di Shanghai hiduplah Khe hung yang dikenal sebagai tabib yang mempelajari ilmu pernafasan dan pengobatan China yang menerbitkan buku pengobatan terkenal dengan nama Buku Ketabitan kuno China . Yang mengatakan "jika manusia mempraktekan pernafasan sempurna dengan volume besar mereka akan bebas dari penyakit , bilamana mereka sering gerak badan .mereka tidak akan mudah tua . Tubuh manusia berada dalam udara dan udara berada dalam tubuh. Bagi mereka yang mahir dan dapt menguasai teknik pernafasan, selain badannya sehat akan terhindar dari penyakit., serta kuat menahan lapar , ia juga akan mencapai usia panjang."Buku ketabiban kuno china mengatakan bahwa manusia yang bernafas pendek akan berumur pendek. Manusia yang bernafas panjang akan berumur panjang. Bila tubuh manusia di isi penuh dengan udara bersih, maka ia pun akan menjadi sehat dan kebal terhadap penyakit.
Pada tahun 527 biksu Ta Mo (Bodhidharma / Daruma Tai Shi) yang merupakan genarasi ke 28 Budha Sakyumuni (Pendiri agama budha) dan merupakan pelopor ajaran Budha Zen di china melakukan perjalanan jauh dari India , melintasi dataran tengah dan tiba di ibukota Dinasti Liang untuk mengajarkan agama Budha. miskipun ajaran Budha sudah masuk ke China pada abad ke satu / ke dua masehi tetapi watak dasarnya telah berkembang ke arah yang semakin jauh dari ajaran Budha yang sesunguhnya.
miskipun pada waktu itu kaisar Liang Wu telah menganut agama Budha dan telah memerintahkan Texs Budha diperjemahkan dari bahasa sansekerta ke bahasa china, Upaya tersebut ditempuh dengan harapan masyarakat china dapat mempelajari dan menerapkan ajaran Budha . Perkerjaan itu merupakan sebuah karya besar dan di yakini Kaisar Liang Wu sebagai jalan ke surga. Dalam hal ini Ta Mo tidak sepaham dengan pandangan tersebut menurut Ta Mo seorang tidak dapat mencapai tujuannya hanya melalui tindakan baik yang dijalankan oleh orang lain dalam nama besarnya , Bermula perselisihan pendapat tersebut Kaisar menolak doktrin ajaran agama budha dari Ta Mo. Dari situlah diketahui miskipun kaisar Liang sama-sama penganut budha ternyata keyakinan mereka berbeda .
Karena tidak kecocokan di antara mereka . secara diam-diam Ta mo pergi ke utara ke daerah Wei utara melewati sungai Chang Jiang dan pergi ke kuil Shaolin . Ta Mo tidak larut melihat keindahan alam . Tetapi pergi ke sebuah gua yang terletak dilongsoran batu terpencil di puncak Wu ru yang tidak berpenghuni. Disanalah ia bermeditasi menghadap dinding selama sembilan tahun dan berlatih kung fu sampai meningalkankan Bayang-bayang yang tercetak di dinding gua dan disebut rahasia kekal.
text indonesia
Kung fu lebih tua dari peradaban. Selama ada manusia dibumi, telah ada perkelahian . Orang mencari cara untuk bertarung dan berkembang menjadi seni yaitu kung fu . ini terjadi sebelum orang mulai menetap ,yang merupakan awal peradapan .
penemuan arkeologis china menunjukan bahwa orang china jaman batu sangat mahir dalam kung fu . Dengan ditemukan peninggalan batu pipi yang diikat dengan kayu yang digunakan untuk memotong . Batu yang bulat diikatkan pada kayu panjang yang digunakan untuk memukul.kayu panjang diruncingkan dan batu yang pipih dan diruncingkan sisinya .
Pada jaman batu fu xi menguasai dunia . ia sering melihat keatas untuk melihat perubahaan langit dan melihat kebawah untuk mengamati permukaan bumi . ia juga mengamati jejak burung dan binatang buas dan bagaimana mereka hidup . Ia tidak hanya mengamati fenomena di sekitarnya , tetapi juga mencatat gerakan tubuh dan perubahabnya yang dibawaknya . ia yakin baik fenomena luar ataupun gerakan tubuh mengikutio hukum kehidupan. ia berusaha mencari apakah hukum kehidupan itu. Suatu hari seekor kuda naga keluar dari sungai kuning . Ia menandai punggung makluk itu dan di kenal dengan peta He (Peta sungai ) dengan bersemedi ya menemukan teori Yin-Yang dan di kembangkan menjadi teori delapan diagram. Teori Yin-Yang merupakan teori alam secara mudah. Delapan diagram berasal dari pola dan perubahan alam . Mereka berusaha menerangkan alam dengan teori ini Fu xi menciptakan putaran Yin-Yang yang legenda .
Setelah Fu xi datang Shen nong ia menemukan bajak dan memperkenalkan pertanian . Setelah Shen nong disusul kaisar kuning .ia memnemukan pedang dan melambangkan garis pertempuran. Setelah Kaisar kuning diteruskan oleh Yao dan Shun . Hou yi menemukan busur dan melambangkan laju kekuatan .King yu manamukan perahu dan kereta perang serta menemukan teori bendungan untuk mengendelikan banjir. Seekor kura-kura naga timbul darim dalam sungai luo . di cangkangnya terdapat tanda yang mirip tulisan . King Yu menuliskan dan kemudian dikenal sebagai peta Luo dan membuat menjadi 64 heksagram . pada abad (2100-1600) Dinasti Xia didirikan oleh raja Tang menemukan tombak dan sernjata terbuat dari tembaga. Pada abad (1600sm-1100sm)Dinasti Shang didirikan raja Wu menemukan kampak dan senjataterbuat dari kuningan . Tulisan paling awal china diatas tulang dan cangkang kura-kura mengambarkan banyak konsep kung fu .
Pada masa Dinasti Zhau barat(1100sm-770sm) dan musim semi dan musim gugur (771sm-476sm). Kung fu dikenal sebagai Quan yong (pertarungan Pukulan) dan Shou po (pertempuran tangan ) pada waktu itu telah berkembang menjadi sistem cangih dengan filosofi mendalam .Prinsip Yin-Yang, Wu Xing (lima unsur), dan Bagua (delapan diagram ) digunakan untuk menyelaskan banyak konsep kung fu dan banyak penulis buku-buku china dari Filsafat . Miletery, dan Kung fu diterbitkan.
Pada masa negara-negara berperang (480sm-221sm) Berbagai pemerintahan maupun rakyat jelata menekankan pentingnya Kung fu yang dikenal sebagai JI Ji (teknik pertarungan) dan Xiang po (pertarungan antara) , Pada waktu itu pertempuran dengan panah , kereta kuda dan diatas kuda menjadi aspek penting dalam seni kung fu .
Dengan berakhirnya dinasti Zhou . China disatukan kembali oleh Tsin si wang yang mengunakan pasukan besi dan pasukan panah yang kuat . Raja tsin ini sangat kejam dan berusaha hidup abadi serta membangun tembok yang megitari china utara . Karena takut ada pemberontakan maka diperintahkan agar semua senjata tajam diserahkan kepada pemerintah dan dilebur menjadi tujuh patung besar . yang lebih kejamnya ia membakar hidup-hidup para Cendikiawan dan para ahli kung fu yang tidak mau bergabung dengannya .Ia memperkenalkan shou po n(tinju ) dan Jue di (gulat) dimana kedua perserta saling berkelahi didalm lingkaran ini merupakan pertandingan tinju dan gulat pertama didunia.
penemuan arkeologis china menunjukan bahwa orang china jaman batu sangat mahir dalam kung fu . Dengan ditemukan peninggalan batu pipi yang diikat dengan kayu yang digunakan untuk memotong . Batu yang bulat diikatkan pada kayu panjang yang digunakan untuk memukul.kayu panjang diruncingkan dan batu yang pipih dan diruncingkan sisinya .
Pada jaman batu fu xi menguasai dunia . ia sering melihat keatas untuk melihat perubahaan langit dan melihat kebawah untuk mengamati permukaan bumi . ia juga mengamati jejak burung dan binatang buas dan bagaimana mereka hidup . Ia tidak hanya mengamati fenomena di sekitarnya , tetapi juga mencatat gerakan tubuh dan perubahabnya yang dibawaknya . ia yakin baik fenomena luar ataupun gerakan tubuh mengikutio hukum kehidupan. ia berusaha mencari apakah hukum kehidupan itu. Suatu hari seekor kuda naga keluar dari sungai kuning . Ia menandai punggung makluk itu dan di kenal dengan peta He (Peta sungai ) dengan bersemedi ya menemukan teori Yin-Yang dan di kembangkan menjadi teori delapan diagram. Teori Yin-Yang merupakan teori alam secara mudah. Delapan diagram berasal dari pola dan perubahan alam . Mereka berusaha menerangkan alam dengan teori ini Fu xi menciptakan putaran Yin-Yang yang legenda .
Setelah Fu xi datang Shen nong ia menemukan bajak dan memperkenalkan pertanian . Setelah Shen nong disusul kaisar kuning .ia memnemukan pedang dan melambangkan garis pertempuran. Setelah Kaisar kuning diteruskan oleh Yao dan Shun . Hou yi menemukan busur dan melambangkan laju kekuatan .King yu manamukan perahu dan kereta perang serta menemukan teori bendungan untuk mengendelikan banjir. Seekor kura-kura naga timbul darim dalam sungai luo . di cangkangnya terdapat tanda yang mirip tulisan . King Yu menuliskan dan kemudian dikenal sebagai peta Luo dan membuat menjadi 64 heksagram . pada abad (2100-1600) Dinasti Xia didirikan oleh raja Tang menemukan tombak dan sernjata terbuat dari tembaga. Pada abad (1600sm-1100sm)Dinasti Shang didirikan raja Wu menemukan kampak dan senjataterbuat dari kuningan . Tulisan paling awal china diatas tulang dan cangkang kura-kura mengambarkan banyak konsep kung fu .
Pada masa Dinasti Zhau barat(1100sm-770sm) dan musim semi dan musim gugur (771sm-476sm). Kung fu dikenal sebagai Quan yong (pertarungan Pukulan) dan Shou po (pertempuran tangan ) pada waktu itu telah berkembang menjadi sistem cangih dengan filosofi mendalam .Prinsip Yin-Yang, Wu Xing (lima unsur), dan Bagua (delapan diagram ) digunakan untuk menyelaskan banyak konsep kung fu dan banyak penulis buku-buku china dari Filsafat . Miletery, dan Kung fu diterbitkan.
Pada masa negara-negara berperang (480sm-221sm) Berbagai pemerintahan maupun rakyat jelata menekankan pentingnya Kung fu yang dikenal sebagai JI Ji (teknik pertarungan) dan Xiang po (pertarungan antara) , Pada waktu itu pertempuran dengan panah , kereta kuda dan diatas kuda menjadi aspek penting dalam seni kung fu .
Dengan berakhirnya dinasti Zhou . China disatukan kembali oleh Tsin si wang yang mengunakan pasukan besi dan pasukan panah yang kuat . Raja tsin ini sangat kejam dan berusaha hidup abadi serta membangun tembok yang megitari china utara . Karena takut ada pemberontakan maka diperintahkan agar semua senjata tajam diserahkan kepada pemerintah dan dilebur menjadi tujuh patung besar . yang lebih kejamnya ia membakar hidup-hidup para Cendikiawan dan para ahli kung fu yang tidak mau bergabung dengannya .Ia memperkenalkan shou po n(tinju ) dan Jue di (gulat) dimana kedua perserta saling berkelahi didalm lingkaran ini merupakan pertandingan tinju dan gulat pertama didunia.
text indonesia
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
When the person manchu established the Qing Dynasty encouraged kung fu in the military but banned the development kung fu dikalangan the civil person .Pada at that time many generals and asminisator mancuria that was the expert kung fu.
The community china maintained the practice kung fu disekolah personal with the emphasis for the individual of the struggle exercise, the battle without the weapon, the step to ksehatan and to demontrasi. the other aspect that was related degan warfare was ignored.
This staged evolution produced the concept kung fu now.
But had the other community that opposed the Qing Dynasty established secret groups to mengulingkan Qing and established Ming came back .seperti for example: the association of the white water lily, the Sect of eight diagrams, the Principle kedewaan, the association of heaven and the earth, the sect of the month and the sun, the sect of nine big houses, the association of the red flower, et cetera.
Pejuangan this often hid and trained kung fu they in temples buddah and taoisme so as often in an effort to search pejuangan this by destroying these temples.
The monastery shaolin also did not escape from the troops's attack manchu. besides being accused as the place pejuangan also was based on the emperor's annoyance against the monks shaolin, was preceeded at the time of the Emperor Kang shi in faced the robber on the side west the area of the authority that just asked for help of the volunteer to menghancurka these robbers because repeatedly the troops manchu yang
was sent was destroyed .Simpati to kesusahaan the people resulting from the disturbance of this robber the chairman of the monk Shaolin Fujian (Chen Kwan Tat) offered 128 monks shaolin fujian and with bersenjatakan the iron stick in a period less than three months could destroy and eradicated the band of the robbers. on this service the emperor gave the official position to Cheng Kwan Tat.
But was refused politely and back to the Shaolin monastery.
As a result of this refusal emerged the suspicion and kekawartiran the emperor and was increased by the provocation of his two ministers that memprofokasi .Kaisar agreed and immediately ordered the attack to shaolin fujian.
Initially the monks succeeded in keeping and destroying the troops mancu., but with more big and strong Shaolin troops fujian was successful dihancurka and killed almost some monks. except five monks that berhasik slipped away and they this was acknowledged as five ancestors.
Escaped and associated with the public's community to the south as well as spread knowledge shaolin that uptil now was kept secret.
But when the emperor was aware of his mistake he dismissed platkat for the monastery shaolin hunan as the great temple.
But resulting from the murder of the second emperor Qing.
Temples shaolin was attacked again and was burnt on the orders of the third emperor Qing. but in the eighteenth age dibagun came back the monastery shaolin by the emperor chien the bend.
Resulting from this burning of many monks shaolin that hijerah and hid idetitas and became the common people as well as joined troops anti Qing .Serta began to teach the expertise to the lay community and spread to the south area.
Until once Hung hsi kuan held the revolt that swallowed time 14 years to extinguish.
Hung shi kuan was helped by the other organisation.
Hung hsi kuan could seize nanking in time 3tahun since the declaration of the revolution was open in 1850.
The association of three a bunch could control Shanghai and Amoy surrounded canton.
Pemberontaan Hung hsi kuan was known with the excrement revolt ping.
Hung applied the exercise that efeksien and mengunakan the exercise tombok and the sword as well as the empty hands exercise that were known with hung gar.
With the exercise that the effectiveness of troops hung could control some china and made the Qing loss that lost his 20000 troops and destruction hundreds square mile the agricultural region.
The intensity of the troops hung this only could be stifled by joint troops qing that was led by Li hung chang and joint troops of the foreign troops that was supervised by the management of Gordon's general.
The defeat of rebels taiping menyadarka the followers Ming that for the foreign nation from the west still had the nation manchu was difficult to be overcome. then was compiled the scale of the priority with megusir the foreign nation kelaut with the departure of the foreign nation kelaut will make the Qing dynasty be destroyed automatically..
In hatred from the foreign nation and this revenge the experts kung fu gathered created the current kung fu just by the name of I Ho Quan (the Fist and harmonious justice).
In deklarasikan diprovensi Shantung for the season semi 1898.
Dibulan in July 1900 was at a peak with the arrival of the reinforcement from ingris, America and Japan that ended with the slaughter of thousands of fighters by west modern and stronger weapons.
The Qing period very important in the development of the north current internal.
Many nobles and the training Ba royal guard the cave, excrement chi and Xing yi.
Whereas in China south kung fu Shaolin remained.
But at the time of the troops mancuria attacked Shaolin Fujian caused the teachers Shaolin to disperse to pronfensi Guan Please, Hong Kong, Asia the signal and America.
When really the time pre the landlord.
Shi Yoo San mengirm troops to burn the monastery of Shaolin Song Shan.
Flaring fire for 40 days more, scorched most main buildings and the legacy thing, After the world war ending of two and communists succeeded in controlling the China mainland often was expert kung fu escaped to Taiwan with Chiang Kai Shek, there are those that to Hong Kong/to posts that were established by the community china that came beforehand.
During 1949 the Shaolin Monastery was improved and protected by the China government.
In 1976 the China Government menganti kebijaksanan about culture china.
Marked with pembentuan the work commission was increased by national ,propinsi and the district to study and mempromasikan kung fu China and menganti the name kung fu/Guo shu became Whu shu and mebagi kung fu china became several currents while continue to memnpertahankan kung fu tradisonal.
Various books that gave valuable information about Whusu in published and the Whusu tournament national and international was held .Melihat this often was expert kung fu china in the world returned to China/divided information kung fu china.
In the international community kung fu china was popularised by Bruce Lee and in continued by Jacky chen and Lee's jet.
The community china maintained the practice kung fu disekolah personal with the emphasis for the individual of the struggle exercise, the battle without the weapon, the step to ksehatan and to demontrasi. the other aspect that was related degan warfare was ignored.
This staged evolution produced the concept kung fu now.
But had the other community that opposed the Qing Dynasty established secret groups to mengulingkan Qing and established Ming came back .seperti for example: the association of the white water lily, the Sect of eight diagrams, the Principle kedewaan, the association of heaven and the earth, the sect of the month and the sun, the sect of nine big houses, the association of the red flower, et cetera.
Pejuangan this often hid and trained kung fu they in temples buddah and taoisme so as often in an effort to search pejuangan this by destroying these temples.
The monastery shaolin also did not escape from the troops's attack manchu. besides being accused as the place pejuangan also was based on the emperor's annoyance against the monks shaolin, was preceeded at the time of the Emperor Kang shi in faced the robber on the side west the area of the authority that just asked for help of the volunteer to menghancurka these robbers because repeatedly the troops manchu yang
was sent was destroyed .Simpati to kesusahaan the people resulting from the disturbance of this robber the chairman of the monk Shaolin Fujian (Chen Kwan Tat) offered 128 monks shaolin fujian and with bersenjatakan the iron stick in a period less than three months could destroy and eradicated the band of the robbers. on this service the emperor gave the official position to Cheng Kwan Tat.
But was refused politely and back to the Shaolin monastery.
As a result of this refusal emerged the suspicion and kekawartiran the emperor and was increased by the provocation of his two ministers that memprofokasi .Kaisar agreed and immediately ordered the attack to shaolin fujian.
Initially the monks succeeded in keeping and destroying the troops mancu., but with more big and strong Shaolin troops fujian was successful dihancurka and killed almost some monks. except five monks that berhasik slipped away and they this was acknowledged as five ancestors.
Escaped and associated with the public's community to the south as well as spread knowledge shaolin that uptil now was kept secret.
But when the emperor was aware of his mistake he dismissed platkat for the monastery shaolin hunan as the great temple.
But resulting from the murder of the second emperor Qing.
Temples shaolin was attacked again and was burnt on the orders of the third emperor Qing. but in the eighteenth age dibagun came back the monastery shaolin by the emperor chien the bend.
Resulting from this burning of many monks shaolin that hijerah and hid idetitas and became the common people as well as joined troops anti Qing .Serta began to teach the expertise to the lay community and spread to the south area.
Until once Hung hsi kuan held the revolt that swallowed time 14 years to extinguish.
Hung shi kuan was helped by the other organisation.
Hung hsi kuan could seize nanking in time 3tahun since the declaration of the revolution was open in 1850.
The association of three a bunch could control Shanghai and Amoy surrounded canton.
Pemberontaan Hung hsi kuan was known with the excrement revolt ping.
Hung applied the exercise that efeksien and mengunakan the exercise tombok and the sword as well as the empty hands exercise that were known with hung gar.
With the exercise that the effectiveness of troops hung could control some china and made the Qing loss that lost his 20000 troops and destruction hundreds square mile the agricultural region.
The intensity of the troops hung this only could be stifled by joint troops qing that was led by Li hung chang and joint troops of the foreign troops that was supervised by the management of Gordon's general.
The defeat of rebels taiping menyadarka the followers Ming that for the foreign nation from the west still had the nation manchu was difficult to be overcome. then was compiled the scale of the priority with megusir the foreign nation kelaut with the departure of the foreign nation kelaut will make the Qing dynasty be destroyed automatically..
In hatred from the foreign nation and this revenge the experts kung fu gathered created the current kung fu just by the name of I Ho Quan (the Fist and harmonious justice).
In deklarasikan diprovensi Shantung for the season semi 1898.
Dibulan in July 1900 was at a peak with the arrival of the reinforcement from ingris, America and Japan that ended with the slaughter of thousands of fighters by west modern and stronger weapons.
The Qing period very important in the development of the north current internal.
Many nobles and the training Ba royal guard the cave, excrement chi and Xing yi.
Whereas in China south kung fu Shaolin remained.
But at the time of the troops mancuria attacked Shaolin Fujian caused the teachers Shaolin to disperse to pronfensi Guan Please, Hong Kong, Asia the signal and America.
When really the time pre the landlord.
Shi Yoo San mengirm troops to burn the monastery of Shaolin Song Shan.
Flaring fire for 40 days more, scorched most main buildings and the legacy thing, After the world war ending of two and communists succeeded in controlling the China mainland often was expert kung fu escaped to Taiwan with Chiang Kai Shek, there are those that to Hong Kong/to posts that were established by the community china that came beforehand.
During 1949 the Shaolin Monastery was improved and protected by the China government.
In 1976 the China Government menganti kebijaksanan about culture china.
Marked with pembentuan the work commission was increased by national ,propinsi and the district to study and mempromasikan kung fu China and menganti the name kung fu/Guo shu became Whu shu and mebagi kung fu china became several currents while continue to memnpertahankan kung fu tradisonal.
Various books that gave valuable information about Whusu in published and the Whusu tournament national and international was held .Melihat this often was expert kung fu china in the world returned to China/divided information kung fu china.
In the international community kung fu china was popularised by Bruce Lee and in continued by Jacky chen and Lee's jet.
Text inggeris
Monday, January 7, 2008
The Ming dynasty represented the important sign in the development kung fu china.
In this period the difference between the self-defence and the aspect show to moro clear .Di one-sided many generals Ming that used kung fu as the important and respected part in the military exercise, and compotion that was arranged for the troops, on the side other the artist Wu yi professional regard as him as performance art and often combined with the movement addition that could please playgoer. the "Blow" term addition and the embroidery kick was" often" used to depict the movement kind' of the 'decoration, that made the movement that was trained to become ineffective for the aim' of the 'battle.'
The difference between kung fu external and internal initially was named in the period of the Ming dynasty.Huang Zhong Yi said " Kung fu shaolin that was famous in the world and was used to dispute . but that was kung fu outside (external), whereas kung fu in (internal) stressed peace against that was involved in being represented by the clergyman Tao Zhang zeng from the dynasty Song."The expert kung fu well known Zhang Song Xi said "had two currents kung fu that is external and internal .Yang most famous from the outside current was kung fu shaolin that was meant to attack . kung fu in being meant by the defence and soft."
Many books kung fu that was important was written for the Ming period.
Several biggest works that still were used as the reference at this time were the collection from the truth Warehouse of the work come on Da you. the book about discipline of the Mao work yuan yi .All these writers were the big general that also the expert kung fu. these books only did not explain shared the type kung fu carr all before one ,but also raised the important problem about warfare. was the reflection from close relations between kung fu and the military affair at that time.For the period of Ming dispersal in kung fu china to almost all the world was begun.
In investigated from the existence of Ming envoys of Dynasty peace in various former countries the colony of the dynasty Yuan (Mongolia).
From the mainland began the east route from Korea to Russia.From the west route from Tibet to turki and Spain.From the south route through along the silk route as far as India.Dari sea had three times of the sea trip that were led by the admiral jing filial piety (Sam Po Kong ). first outbuound to the side of east to Japan. In Japan often was expert kung fu china that came .Noy yet one axpert kung fu to Japan was Chen Yuan bin (1619).Arrive in Japan taught Kung fu Shaolin and despised the foundation for the ju-jitsu . Outbound to the side of south from Burma,mungatai, Malacca, Sumatra,Jawa. Bali, sulawesi and kalimantan continued again to china.The third trip from Brima went straight to Malacca and passed the Malacca strait to India and was continued to South Africa and there the admiral jing filial piety was sick and died.
These envoys were General the expert kung fu and brought special forces as the patron, and these special forces were experts kung fu .In each place that in visited was established by trade posts.As trade posts also was made function as the supplies post and the guest-house.
That was certain these posts in guarded by the commanders of the soldier who was loyal and expert in kung fu .Dan now the posts become the place of the philosophy teaching and culture china.
In the dynasty of Qing, when the nation mancuria established the Qing dynasty encouraged kung fu in the military but banned the development kung fu rank the civil person.
At the time many generals and asminisator mancuria that was the expert kung fu .
There was the community china maintained the practice of self-defence art. school kung fu with the emphasis for the individual of the struggle exercise without the weapon.The step to health also for to show. the other aspect was ignored. this staged evolution produced the concept from whusu modern that is known by us now.
There was the community other that opposed the Qing dynasty established groups of the secret opposition to overthrow Qing, that nominalizing particle that was very hard and saved time. because of being used in the war and could be trained when resting the war.The most famous current at this time Hung Gar from Hung Hei Goon.
But had the community china that was bored and bored warfare crossed went out china to avoid warfare/from the Qing government chase and wanted to live of peace . invent this went to trade posts that beforehand were established by the envoys Ming.on site so the experts kung fu gathered and discussed/just looked for the old friend. Although also flowed that was different and principled that was other but they felt one foreign region.In this foreign region the experts there are those that taught his knowledge and there are those that opened the college was also that hid knowlwdge. until had the saying that said: had the sheet that was seen and had the sheet that behind.Nevertheless the experts kung fu that opened the college divided his pupil into two parts: the outside Pupil and the pupil in.To the pupil in really was difficult because of the teacher to look for the pupil who could control himself and bequeathed his knowledge well, because of having the stage where kung fu can become the killing implement and has been proven evolve for thousands of years with the process of the life and died someone.
In this period the difference between the self-defence and the aspect show to moro clear .Di one-sided many generals Ming that used kung fu as the important and respected part in the military exercise, and compotion that was arranged for the troops, on the side other the artist Wu yi professional regard as him as performance art and often combined with the movement addition that could please playgoer. the "Blow" term addition and the embroidery kick was" often" used to depict the movement kind' of the 'decoration, that made the movement that was trained to become ineffective for the aim' of the 'battle.'
The difference between kung fu external and internal initially was named in the period of the Ming dynasty.Huang Zhong Yi said " Kung fu shaolin that was famous in the world and was used to dispute . but that was kung fu outside (external), whereas kung fu in (internal) stressed peace against that was involved in being represented by the clergyman Tao Zhang zeng from the dynasty Song."The expert kung fu well known Zhang Song Xi said "had two currents kung fu that is external and internal .Yang most famous from the outside current was kung fu shaolin that was meant to attack . kung fu in being meant by the defence and soft."
Many books kung fu that was important was written for the Ming period.
Several biggest works that still were used as the reference at this time were the collection from the truth Warehouse of the work come on Da you. the book about discipline of the Mao work yuan yi .All these writers were the big general that also the expert kung fu. these books only did not explain shared the type kung fu carr all before one ,but also raised the important problem about warfare. was the reflection from close relations between kung fu and the military affair at that time.For the period of Ming dispersal in kung fu china to almost all the world was begun.
In investigated from the existence of Ming envoys of Dynasty peace in various former countries the colony of the dynasty Yuan (Mongolia).
From the mainland began the east route from Korea to Russia.From the west route from Tibet to turki and Spain.From the south route through along the silk route as far as India.Dari sea had three times of the sea trip that were led by the admiral jing filial piety (Sam Po Kong ). first outbuound to the side of east to Japan. In Japan often was expert kung fu china that came .Noy yet one axpert kung fu to Japan was Chen Yuan bin (1619).Arrive in Japan taught Kung fu Shaolin and despised the foundation for the ju-jitsu . Outbound to the side of south from Burma,mungatai, Malacca, Sumatra,Jawa. Bali, sulawesi and kalimantan continued again to china.The third trip from Brima went straight to Malacca and passed the Malacca strait to India and was continued to South Africa and there the admiral jing filial piety was sick and died.
These envoys were General the expert kung fu and brought special forces as the patron, and these special forces were experts kung fu .In each place that in visited was established by trade posts.As trade posts also was made function as the supplies post and the guest-house.
That was certain these posts in guarded by the commanders of the soldier who was loyal and expert in kung fu .Dan now the posts become the place of the philosophy teaching and culture china.
In the dynasty of Qing, when the nation mancuria established the Qing dynasty encouraged kung fu in the military but banned the development kung fu rank the civil person.
At the time many generals and asminisator mancuria that was the expert kung fu .
There was the community china maintained the practice of self-defence art. school kung fu with the emphasis for the individual of the struggle exercise without the weapon.The step to health also for to show. the other aspect was ignored. this staged evolution produced the concept from whusu modern that is known by us now.
There was the community other that opposed the Qing dynasty established groups of the secret opposition to overthrow Qing, that nominalizing particle that was very hard and saved time. because of being used in the war and could be trained when resting the war.The most famous current at this time Hung Gar from Hung Hei Goon.
But had the community china that was bored and bored warfare crossed went out china to avoid warfare/from the Qing government chase and wanted to live of peace . invent this went to trade posts that beforehand were established by the envoys Ming.on site so the experts kung fu gathered and discussed/just looked for the old friend. Although also flowed that was different and principled that was other but they felt one foreign region.In this foreign region the experts there are those that taught his knowledge and there are those that opened the college was also that hid knowlwdge. until had the saying that said: had the sheet that was seen and had the sheet that behind.Nevertheless the experts kung fu that opened the college divided his pupil into two parts: the outside Pupil and the pupil in.To the pupil in really was difficult because of the teacher to look for the pupil who could control himself and bequeathed his knowledge well, because of having the stage where kung fu can become the killing implement and has been proven evolve for thousands of years with the process of the life and died someone.
Text inggeris
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
The Han dynasty was divided to Han west (207 bc -25 bc) and Han east (25 bc -220 m.).
Established by Liu the bang after succeeding in breaking the Qin dynasty and winning in the competition from Hang I (Chu money pa). the name they use for Wu Yi the first time emerged in the Han dynasty. The Wu Yi term continued to be the contents most popular to kung Fu. At that time Wu Yi covered the struggle port the weapon, the Struggle with the weapon, the series Exercise of the movement and the teamed exercise.
Fist sport and wrestle really famous.
Because of the emperor's urging Han Wu ti. The emperor who really was known to expense melitery Han. in the Dynasty note Han assign that participant the fist only wore shorts as the boxer modern. but not use the patron of the hands and did not have the limitation for the safety. The match g safer. participan was not permitted struck and kicked won lost was determined by the figure that was gathered during participan succeeded in pushing the opponent in the land. The game an the sword was very popular and was appreciated. Both the fighter and man of letters and the scientist was involved in the sword exercise, But Also the sword dance that was put forward by the pretty girl. Often very much was held in various demonetise with the sword as the main weapon.
In the time Han east had a healer named Hua Tuo stated that the "Human Body needed the exercise that continually and was arranged helped the digestion, stimulate the circulation" of "blood and formed the body kept from the illness." Created by Wu Cin Sin (the exercise of five animals).
On the end of the Han dynasty east, happened rebellion the people who was known with dress yellow with the support castrated in palace Han east. Guvnor sent the strength crushed rebellion but after rebelion was crushed. Castrated that was supportive the revolt was crushed and after that happened the war between guvnor and the noble that reputed the weak emperor.In period Many commanders of the war that was respected for example you you became the strongest commander how come because of the incident of San zhan Lu Bu namely the battle between you Ms and the Trinity (Lui Bei, Guan come on and Zhang Fei). Lu bu that carried the branching spear could oppose Lui bei that carried arms twine's sword, Guan come on that carried the famous knife stick great and Zhang Fei used the spear of the snake tongue.
You you could compete with Trio single because nominalizing partice techniquen supple and avoided that was strong and attacked that was weak,With Lui Bei, Guan come on and zhang Fei want to very fast pushed you with a pole you.
The end conflict guvnor that. The formation of Sam Kok (three countries).
(1) WEI that pinch hit Han east was established by Chou Chou but also Chou Chou personally had not become the king Wei.
(2) SHU Han that was established by Lui bei was helped Zhuge Liang and five the tiger general (Guan yu, Zhang Fei ,Zhan yun, Ma chao and Huang Chung.
(3) TUNG Wu was established by the sun quan that was the great-grandchild from the sun tzu
The end conflict Sam kok time this Wei could not control shu and Wu. Shu han could not unite the territory Han east that was his ancestors because after Zhuge the hole did not have the good empire Han. and Wu that was led by the Sun Quan that relied on the strategic area could not seize all china. Finally all china fell in the domain of Sze Ma Se by using the name of the genie's country.
After the Han fall east and the time Ending of Sam kok Dynasty of the Jin (221M-534M) was divided into two jin. the first genie was acknowledged as west by the jin because of concentrating in pe king and the east jin who concentrated in neng king resulting from the attack of five foreign ethnic groups. For the period the movement carried arms and without the weapon was united to form the series of the step. His aim was to enable the practitioners remember movemet better. Combination the step that often was put forward to show was distinguished with that was used for the involved need. Besides this had the difference in the training of self-defence art between the practice of the series of the single and teamed step. The dynasty of the Jin did not last long his age because of the disturbance emergence that was known with WU TWO. inside this disorder not few great people but was not so famous. The disorder that was caused by five foreign ethnic groups. Happened the north dynasty time and the south dynasty.
In the year 386 WEI north stood in the west and in the year 420 attacked the west genie that result the capital of the genie moved to the east. In the year 534 WEI north the war between the noble happened. Was broken Wei north became two WEI east (534-550) and WEI west (535-556). WEI east was replaced by Qi north (550-557) and WEI west was replaced by Zhou north. In the year 557 north dynasties were united by Zhou north after Qi north lost. And in the year 581 Zhau north was replaced by the SUI dynasty (581-618). In the south stood the dynasty Sole (420-479). And in the year 479 were replaced by the Qi Dynasty. In the year 502 were replaced by the dynasty of the Hole.and in the year 557 were seized by the Chen dynasty and in the year 589 dynasties of Chen was attacked Sui in the north and ended the North dynasty Time and the south Dynasty.
The Sui dynasty did not last long because of governing with the iron fist and cruel, and as a result appear the revolt 18 crown princes (Se Pa you Huan Wang) . at this time of plenty of commanders of the expert war kun fu as well as famous, for example Li Yuan Pa, Wen chen Tu, Pei Yuan ching, Lao cheng , Wu Yuan chao and etc. These commanders were experts kung fu that had the strong power so as with very much the movement of the opponent will run.
In the war 18 crown princes were won by Li Shi Men and established the dynasty tang.
In the genie's west time and the east genie in Shanghai lived Khe hung that was known as the healer who studied respiratory knowledge and China medical treatment that published the famous medical treatment book by the name of the matters pertaining to such healing Book to be old China. That said "if humankind study perfect breathing will with their big volume be free from the illness, when they often the exercise. invent will not be easy old." The human body was in air and air was in the body. For them who were skilled and controlled can the respiratory technique, apart from his body healthy will be avoided from disease., as well as strong held back hunger, he will also achieve the long age. The book matters pertaining to such healing old china said that breathing humankind short will be aged short. Deep-breathing humankind will be aged long. When the human body in the contents was full of clean air, then he will then become healthy and was immune to the illness.
In the year 527 monks Ta Mo (Bodhidharma/Daruma Tai Shi) that was generation to 28 Buddhist Saykawuni (the Founder of the Buddhist religion) and was the pioneer of the teaching Buddhist Zen in china carried out the trip far from India, crossed the middle plain and arrived in the capital of the Dynasty of the Hole to teach the buddhis. religion although also the Buddhist teaching has entered China in the age to one/to two masehi but the character of his foundation developed to the side of that increasingly far from the Buddhist teaching thay in fact him.
Although also at that time the emperor of the Wu Hole followed the Buddhist religion and ordered texs Buddha translation from the language sansekerta to the language china, these efforts were followed in the hope that the community china could study and apply the Buddhist teaching.Go to work was a magnum opus and in believed in Emperor Liang Wu as the road to heaven. In this case Ta Mo not an understanding with this view according to Ta Mo a person could not achieve his aim only through the good action that was undertaken by the other person in the name of the size, began this opinion dispute the Emperor refused the Buddhist doctrine of the religious teaching from Ta Mo. From there was known although also the emperor of the Hole together the Buddhist follower evidently their conviction was different.
Because not compatibility between them. secretly Ta mo went to the north to the Wei area north passed the Chang jiang river and went to the Shaolin temple. Ta Mo not protracted saw beauty of nature. But went to a cave that was located landslide the stone was isolated in the Wu ru peak that not have inhabitants. There he meditated appeared the wall for nine years and practised kung fu until defactor the Silhouette that was printed in the wall of the cave and was acknowledged as secret lasting.
Established by Liu the bang after succeeding in breaking the Qin dynasty and winning in the competition from Hang I (Chu money pa). the name they use for Wu Yi the first time emerged in the Han dynasty. The Wu Yi term continued to be the contents most popular to kung Fu. At that time Wu Yi covered the struggle port the weapon, the Struggle with the weapon, the series Exercise of the movement and the teamed exercise.
Fist sport and wrestle really famous.
Because of the emperor's urging Han Wu ti. The emperor who really was known to expense melitery Han. in the Dynasty note Han assign that participant the fist only wore shorts as the boxer modern. but not use the patron of the hands and did not have the limitation for the safety. The match g safer. participan was not permitted struck and kicked won lost was determined by the figure that was gathered during participan succeeded in pushing the opponent in the land. The game an the sword was very popular and was appreciated. Both the fighter and man of letters and the scientist was involved in the sword exercise, But Also the sword dance that was put forward by the pretty girl. Often very much was held in various demonetise with the sword as the main weapon.
In the time Han east had a healer named Hua Tuo stated that the "Human Body needed the exercise that continually and was arranged helped the digestion, stimulate the circulation" of "blood and formed the body kept from the illness." Created by Wu Cin Sin (the exercise of five animals).
On the end of the Han dynasty east, happened rebellion the people who was known with dress yellow with the support castrated in palace Han east. Guvnor sent the strength crushed rebellion but after rebelion was crushed. Castrated that was supportive the revolt was crushed and after that happened the war between guvnor and the noble that reputed the weak emperor.In period Many commanders of the war that was respected for example you you became the strongest commander how come because of the incident of San zhan Lu Bu namely the battle between you Ms and the Trinity (Lui Bei, Guan come on and Zhang Fei). Lu bu that carried the branching spear could oppose Lui bei that carried arms twine's sword, Guan come on that carried the famous knife stick great and Zhang Fei used the spear of the snake tongue.
You you could compete with Trio single because nominalizing partice techniquen supple and avoided that was strong and attacked that was weak,With Lui Bei, Guan come on and zhang Fei want to very fast pushed you with a pole you.
The end conflict guvnor that. The formation of Sam Kok (three countries).
(1) WEI that pinch hit Han east was established by Chou Chou but also Chou Chou personally had not become the king Wei.
(2) SHU Han that was established by Lui bei was helped Zhuge Liang and five the tiger general (Guan yu, Zhang Fei ,Zhan yun, Ma chao and Huang Chung.
(3) TUNG Wu was established by the sun quan that was the great-grandchild from the sun tzu
The end conflict Sam kok time this Wei could not control shu and Wu. Shu han could not unite the territory Han east that was his ancestors because after Zhuge the hole did not have the good empire Han. and Wu that was led by the Sun Quan that relied on the strategic area could not seize all china. Finally all china fell in the domain of Sze Ma Se by using the name of the genie's country.
After the Han fall east and the time Ending of Sam kok Dynasty of the Jin (221M-534M) was divided into two jin. the first genie was acknowledged as west by the jin because of concentrating in pe king and the east jin who concentrated in neng king resulting from the attack of five foreign ethnic groups. For the period the movement carried arms and without the weapon was united to form the series of the step. His aim was to enable the practitioners remember movemet better. Combination the step that often was put forward to show was distinguished with that was used for the involved need. Besides this had the difference in the training of self-defence art between the practice of the series of the single and teamed step. The dynasty of the Jin did not last long his age because of the disturbance emergence that was known with WU TWO. inside this disorder not few great people but was not so famous. The disorder that was caused by five foreign ethnic groups. Happened the north dynasty time and the south dynasty.
In the year 386 WEI north stood in the west and in the year 420 attacked the west genie that result the capital of the genie moved to the east. In the year 534 WEI north the war between the noble happened. Was broken Wei north became two WEI east (534-550) and WEI west (535-556). WEI east was replaced by Qi north (550-557) and WEI west was replaced by Zhou north. In the year 557 north dynasties were united by Zhou north after Qi north lost. And in the year 581 Zhau north was replaced by the SUI dynasty (581-618). In the south stood the dynasty Sole (420-479). And in the year 479 were replaced by the Qi Dynasty. In the year 502 were replaced by the dynasty of the Hole.and in the year 557 were seized by the Chen dynasty and in the year 589 dynasties of Chen was attacked Sui in the north and ended the North dynasty Time and the south Dynasty.
The Sui dynasty did not last long because of governing with the iron fist and cruel, and as a result appear the revolt 18 crown princes (Se Pa you Huan Wang) . at this time of plenty of commanders of the expert war kun fu as well as famous, for example Li Yuan Pa, Wen chen Tu, Pei Yuan ching, Lao cheng , Wu Yuan chao and etc. These commanders were experts kung fu that had the strong power so as with very much the movement of the opponent will run.
In the war 18 crown princes were won by Li Shi Men and established the dynasty tang.
In the genie's west time and the east genie in Shanghai lived Khe hung that was known as the healer who studied respiratory knowledge and China medical treatment that published the famous medical treatment book by the name of the matters pertaining to such healing Book to be old China. That said "if humankind study perfect breathing will with their big volume be free from the illness, when they often the exercise. invent will not be easy old." The human body was in air and air was in the body. For them who were skilled and controlled can the respiratory technique, apart from his body healthy will be avoided from disease., as well as strong held back hunger, he will also achieve the long age. The book matters pertaining to such healing old china said that breathing humankind short will be aged short. Deep-breathing humankind will be aged long. When the human body in the contents was full of clean air, then he will then become healthy and was immune to the illness.
In the year 527 monks Ta Mo (Bodhidharma/Daruma Tai Shi) that was generation to 28 Buddhist Saykawuni (the Founder of the Buddhist religion) and was the pioneer of the teaching Buddhist Zen in china carried out the trip far from India, crossed the middle plain and arrived in the capital of the Dynasty of the Hole to teach the buddhis. religion although also the Buddhist teaching has entered China in the age to one/to two masehi but the character of his foundation developed to the side of that increasingly far from the Buddhist teaching thay in fact him.
Although also at that time the emperor of the Wu Hole followed the Buddhist religion and ordered texs Buddha translation from the language sansekerta to the language china, these efforts were followed in the hope that the community china could study and apply the Buddhist teaching.Go to work was a magnum opus and in believed in Emperor Liang Wu as the road to heaven. In this case Ta Mo not an understanding with this view according to Ta Mo a person could not achieve his aim only through the good action that was undertaken by the other person in the name of the size, began this opinion dispute the Emperor refused the Buddhist doctrine of the religious teaching from Ta Mo. From there was known although also the emperor of the Hole together the Buddhist follower evidently their conviction was different.
Because not compatibility between them. secretly Ta mo went to the north to the Wei area north passed the Chang jiang river and went to the Shaolin temple. Ta Mo not protracted saw beauty of nature. But went to a cave that was located landslide the stone was isolated in the Wu ru peak that not have inhabitants. There he meditated appeared the wall for nine years and practised kung fu until defactor the Silhouette that was printed in the wall of the cave and was acknowledged as secret lasting.
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Kung Fu older than civilisation.While having humankind in the earth, had the fight.
The person looked for the method of disputing and developing by art that is Kung Fu this happened before the person began to reside ,yang was the beginning culture.
The archaeological discovery china substantiate that the person china the stone time was very skilled in Kung fu .By being found by the legacy of the cheek stone that was tied with wood that was used to cut.The round stone was tied in long wood that was used to cudget. Wood long was aggravated and the thin and flat stone and was aggravated his side.
In the stone time Fu xi controlled the world. he often saw above to see mutation sky and saw down to observe the surface of the earth. he also observed the tracks of birds and the wild animal and how they lived.He did not only observe the phenomenon around it, but also recorded the movement of the body and mutation him that him. he was convinced good the outside phenomenon or the movement of the body mutation the law regime. he tried to search whether the life law.One day a dragon horse left the yellow river.
He marked the back dragon horse that and in knew with the He map (the Map of the river) in a meditating manner yes found the theory of Yin-Yang and in developed became the theory of eight diagrams.The theory of Yin-Yang was the theory of nature easily.Eight diagrams came from the pattern and the change in nature.They tried to explain nature with this theory of Fu xi created the round of Yin-Yang that the legend.
After Fu xi came Sheng nong he found the plough and introduced agriculture.After Sheng nong was followed by the yellow emperor and ferret the sword and symbolised the line of the battle.After the Emperor yellow was continued by Yao and Shun.
Hou Yi found the bow and symbolised the rate of the strength .King come on ferret the boat and the war carriage as well as found the theory of the dam to control the flood.
A dragon turtle emerged from in the river lou. in eggshel him was gotten the sign that was similar to the article.
King Yu wrote and afterwards was known as the Luo map and made became 64 diagram. in the age (2100-1600) the Xia Dynasty was established by the king Tang found the spear and was wepon made from copper.
In the age (1600bc-1100bc) the Shang Dynasty was established by the king Wu found the axe and wepon made from brass.The article was earliest china on bones and eggshell the turtle portray many concepts Kung Fu.
In the Zhau Dynasty period west (1100bc-770bc) and the season semi and the season fell (770bc-479bc). Kung Fu was known as Quan Yong (the struggle for the Blow) and Shou Po (the hands battle) at that time developed by the system modern with deep philosophy of , Principle Yin-Yang, Wu Xing (five elements), and Bagua (eight diagrams) was used tocco-ordinate many concepts kung Fu and many writers of books china from philosophy.Military, and Kung Fu was published.
In countries warring period (480bc-221bc) Various governments and the masses stressed the Kung fu importance that was known as Ji Ji (the struggle technique) and Xiang Po (the struggle between), At That Time the battle and the bow, the horse carriage and on the horse became the important aspect in art kung fu.With the Zhou dynasty ending.
China was united again by Tsin the money that exerted iron troops and strong bow troops.
The king tsin this was very cruel and tried to live eternal as well as constructive the wall that over china north.
Because frightened of having the revolt then was ordered so that all the bladed weapons are handed over to the government and are merged to seven big statues. that was crueler him he burnt alive schooler and the experts Kung Fu that did not want to gather by him .Ia introduced shou Po (the fist) and Jue in (weaseling) where the two costestan fought with each other bye this circle was the fist match and weaseling first in the word.
The person looked for the method of disputing and developing by art that is Kung Fu this happened before the person began to reside ,yang was the beginning culture.
The archaeological discovery china substantiate that the person china the stone time was very skilled in Kung fu .By being found by the legacy of the cheek stone that was tied with wood that was used to cut.The round stone was tied in long wood that was used to cudget. Wood long was aggravated and the thin and flat stone and was aggravated his side.
In the stone time Fu xi controlled the world. he often saw above to see mutation sky and saw down to observe the surface of the earth. he also observed the tracks of birds and the wild animal and how they lived.He did not only observe the phenomenon around it, but also recorded the movement of the body and mutation him that him. he was convinced good the outside phenomenon or the movement of the body mutation the law regime. he tried to search whether the life law.One day a dragon horse left the yellow river.
He marked the back dragon horse that and in knew with the He map (the Map of the river) in a meditating manner yes found the theory of Yin-Yang and in developed became the theory of eight diagrams.The theory of Yin-Yang was the theory of nature easily.Eight diagrams came from the pattern and the change in nature.They tried to explain nature with this theory of Fu xi created the round of Yin-Yang that the legend.
After Fu xi came Sheng nong he found the plough and introduced agriculture.After Sheng nong was followed by the yellow emperor and ferret the sword and symbolised the line of the battle.After the Emperor yellow was continued by Yao and Shun.
Hou Yi found the bow and symbolised the rate of the strength .King come on ferret the boat and the war carriage as well as found the theory of the dam to control the flood.
A dragon turtle emerged from in the river lou. in eggshel him was gotten the sign that was similar to the article.
King Yu wrote and afterwards was known as the Luo map and made became 64 diagram. in the age (2100-1600) the Xia Dynasty was established by the king Tang found the spear and was wepon made from copper.
In the age (1600bc-1100bc) the Shang Dynasty was established by the king Wu found the axe and wepon made from brass.The article was earliest china on bones and eggshell the turtle portray many concepts Kung Fu.
In the Zhau Dynasty period west (1100bc-770bc) and the season semi and the season fell (770bc-479bc). Kung Fu was known as Quan Yong (the struggle for the Blow) and Shou Po (the hands battle) at that time developed by the system modern with deep philosophy of , Principle Yin-Yang, Wu Xing (five elements), and Bagua (eight diagrams) was used tocco-ordinate many concepts kung Fu and many writers of books china from philosophy.Military, and Kung Fu was published.
In countries warring period (480bc-221bc) Various governments and the masses stressed the Kung fu importance that was known as Ji Ji (the struggle technique) and Xiang Po (the struggle between), At That Time the battle and the bow, the horse carriage and on the horse became the important aspect in art kung fu.With the Zhou dynasty ending.
China was united again by Tsin the money that exerted iron troops and strong bow troops.
The king tsin this was very cruel and tried to live eternal as well as constructive the wall that over china north.
Because frightened of having the revolt then was ordered so that all the bladed weapons are handed over to the government and are merged to seven big statues. that was crueler him he burnt alive schooler and the experts Kung Fu that did not want to gather by him .Ia introduced shou Po (the fist) and Jue in (weaseling) where the two costestan fought with each other bye this circle was the fist match and weaseling first in the word.
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