Lam Sai Wing
Lam Sai Wing
Lam Sai Wing is widely considered as one of the best martial artist of his time. He was born (1860) in Ping Chow, a small village in Namhoi district of Kwangtung province. He grew up at a time when China was still under the rule of the Ch'ing government and the people were suffering from poverty, hungar and oppression. It is said that Lam Sai Wing was born into a family of martial artist and started learning gung fu from very young age. Because of his hard work and dedication as well as his strong interest and natural ability in gung fu he progressed rapidly and in time mastered his family style.Over the years as Lam grow up, he trained under many other well known gung fu masters always trying to improve his skill and knowledge in gung fu. As a young man he earned his living working in a slaughter house as a pork butcher. Because of his trade he was also known by the nickname Porky Wing (Jhiu Wing).
Lam Sai Wing's search for a gung fu master finally ended when he heard about the legendary folk hero Wong Fei Hung. Lam had heard so much about Wong Fei Hung that one day he decided to go and see him to find out if Wong Fei Hung was as good as everyone had been talking about.It is said that Lam respectfully challenged Wong Fei Hung and asked to cross hands with him to test his skills. The challenge, however didn't last long and despite his already accomplished skills Lam was no match for Wong Fei Hung. He was knocked down to the ground by Wong 's famous "No shadow Kick"(Mo Ying Guerk). Lam being defeated easily realised there was much he could learn from this great master. He kneeled on the floor and asked to be accepted as Wong Fei Hung's disciple.
Lam Sai Wing stayed and trained under Wong Fei Hung until the day Wong passed away. Over many years of hard training, Lam learned and mastered everything his master taught him, including his famous skills in dit da. He eventually became the most famous and well known student of Wong Fei Hung. As mentioned earlier, open challenges in old times were common and all challenges were accepted to save face and as a part of gung fu tradition any challenges to the master were first met by one of his top students. This being the case, Lam faced many expert gung fu fighters who came to cross hand with his master. Lam Sai Wing's fame spread all over kwaungtung and he became a well known and respected figure. Lam's fame grew even more when he entered a competition in Canton. Lam using his Hung Gar skills defeated all his opponents and won the fist prize. There are many stories/incidents about Lam Sai Wing, his gung fu skills and how he became to be one of the best boxers of his time. One of the best known and much talked about of these is the incident that took place at the Lok Sin Theatre.
Lam Sai Wing was a kind and honest person and always helped those in need. His deeds are still remembered to this day. On one occasion in the early days of the republic Lam demonstrated his gung fu skills in a charity event to raise money for a orphanage in Canton(Kwangjau) The president Sun Yat Sen was also present at this event. (Sun Yat Sen (1866-1925), was a famous revolutionary leader and doctor who is widely recognised as the the father of republican China. After overthrowing the Manchus in 1911 Sun Yat Sen was elected as the provisional president of the new Republic of China on 25 December 1911). Sun Yat Sen was very impressed by Lam Sai Wing and honoured Lam by giving him a medal for all his deeds and efforts for helping those in need.
Lam was a excellent teacher and taught his skills openly to the public. Mass of students from all over southern China came to study under him. Lam Sai Wing being a excellent teacher produced many talented and high calibre students. He was also asked to instruct the army in martial arts and became the head instructor for the new Republics Chinese army in Canton.
Lam Sai Wing did not have children of his own, but adopted a young orphaned boy(Lam Cho) whose parents had passed away when the boy was still very young. Lam Sai Wing loved and raised Lam Cho like his own son, gave him his family name and passed down all his Hung Gar knowledge as well as teaching him the traditional art of bone setting and healing (dit da). Some years after the fall of Ching Dynasty and in early years of the Republic, Lam Sai Wing was invited to live and teach in Hong Kong. Lam Sai Wing eventually moved to Hong Kong, taking his nephew with him. Soon after moving to Hong Kong, Lam Sai Wing set up the Southern Martial Physical Culture Association where he continued teaching Hung Gar until his death in 1943.
Lam Sai Wing's endless efforts to teach, preserve and spread the art of Hung Gar is well known. Lam with the help of his students popularised Hung Gar even more when he published three books on hung gar: Gung Gee Fook Fu Kuen - Fu Hok Seung Ying Kuen and Tid Sin Kuen. This was the first time anyone published a book on Hung Gar which was available to the general publick. To date, these 3 books are still the best resources available on Hung Gar. For more information about the books check out Hung Gar books section.
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